

Struggle for Profit Space,Land Requisition Conflict and Land System Evolution:A Comparison Between Pearl River Delta and Southern Jiangsu
摘要 土地征收是国家依照法律规范剥夺农村集体的土地权利,实现集体土地向国有土地转化的过程,土地征收具有合法强制性。在实施过程中,政府征地需经过农民的“同意”。流行的观点将征地矛盾视为农民“抗争”行为,认为征地矛盾反映出政府征地行为的不合理,并由此得出征地制度不合理的结论。对比我国不同地区的实际情形来看,征地冲突具有地方实践特征。以苏南为代表的部分地区严格管控土地开发,执行统一、规范和标准化的征地政策,压缩土地开发过程中的博利空间,降低农民博弈预期,逐步形成了规范征地秩序。珠三角地区一直未严格控制农民开发土地行为,为农民博利留下空间,反而强化了农民对土地利益的依赖,进一步形塑了农民的不合作行为。基层如何执行政策是诱发征地冲突的关键因素。从降低社会冲突的角度看,土地制度改革要朝着规范政策执行、统一政策标准和减少基层策略性行为的方向推进,而不是相反。 Land expropriation is a kind of legal and compulsory land expropriation that the state deprives farmers of their land rights in accordance with legal norms.During the implementation process,the land requisition by the government shall be subjected to the“consent”of farmers.The prevailing view regards the contradiction of land requisition as the“struggle”behavior of farmers,and it is believed that the contradiction of land requisition reflects the unreasonable behavior of the government in land requisition,and thus draws the conclusion that the land requisition system should be cancelled.Compared with the practice of different regions in China,the conflict of land requisition has the characteristics of local practice.Some areas as are represented by southern Jiangsu strictly control land development,implement unified,regular and standardized land acquisition policies to reduce the profit space in the process of land development and farmers’game expectations,and gradually form a standardized land acquisition order.The Pearl River Delta has not strictly controlled farmers’land development behavior,leaving space for farmers to benefit,which strengthens farmers’dependence on land interests,further shapes farmers’non-cooperation behavior.How to implement the policy at the grass-roots level is the key factor to inducing land requisition conflict.From the perspective of reducing social conflicts,the land system reform should be carried out in the direction of standardizing policy implementation,unifying policy standards and reducing strategic behaviors at the grass-roots level.
作者 桂华 GUI Hua(School of Social Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei 430072,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期76-83,共8页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 征地冲突 博利空间 土地制度改革 珠三角与苏南地区 land requisition conflict struggle for profit space land system reform Pearl River Delta and southern Jiangsu
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