
国家尺度自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系构建与应用研究 被引量:4

Construction and application of the indicator system for ecosystem monitoring network in the protected areas on a national scale
摘要 自然保护地是维护国家生态安全,提升生物多样性保护成效的重要载体,对保护地生态系统进行实时、高频、多尺度的监测是认知其动态变化的有效手段,也是实现自然保护地生态系统健康管理的基石。由于目前我国没有形成自然保护地生态系统监测网络,缺少统一的联网监测指标体系,导致多数自然保护地生态系统组成家底不清、动态不明,应对生物多样性保护新问题的能力不足,并且在国家尺度上的自然保护地生态系统健康状况及保护成效评估缺乏联网监测数据支撑。因此,亟需构建国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统组成和动态监测网络,以及一套科学、系统、规范的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系。该文针对自然保护地生物多样性和生态系统监测的目标和内容,参考国内外现有的生态系统监测网络的指标体系,确定了自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系建立和选取的基本原则,建立了一套适用于国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系,并在6个国家级自然保护区进行示范。构建的指标体系针对构成生态系统的6类关键要素(生境要素、生物要素、气象要素、土壤要素、大气和水环境要素、景观要素)制定了30个监测指标,有效应用于森林、草地、荒漠、湿地等生态系统类型的自然保护地,能够实现对不同类型自然保护地生态系统组分和结构的现状和演变特征进行长期、动态化监测,并可为自然保护地保护成效评估和健康管理提供规范化、标准化的基础数据。 The protected areas are crucial to the maintenance of national ecological security and improvement of biodiversity conservation.Application of real-time,high-frequency and multi-scale ecological monitoring in the protected areas serves an effective means for identifying the dynamics of ecosystem,which is key to the implement of ecosystem health management in the protected areas.However,due to the lack of a unified ecosystem monitoring and research network and the corresponding indicator system of the protected areas in China,the composition and dynamics of ecosystem in many protected areas remains unclear,which can dimmish the ability to cope with emerging issues of biodiversity conservation.Lack of the data obtained from the ecological monitoring network can also hamper the evaluation of ecosystem health status and conservation effectiveness of the protected areas on a national scale.As such,it is necessary to construct a national scale monitoring and research network for the composition and dynamics of ecosystem in the protected areas,as well as a scientific,systematic and normative indicator system for this monitoring network.By addressing the aims and objectives of biodiversity and ecosystem monitoring in the protected areas and with reference to the indicator systems of existing ecological monitoring networks both in China and abroad,this study summarized the basic principles of establishing the indicator system and the selection of indicators.Accordingly,an indicator system for the ecosystem monitoring network of the protected areas was established and applied to 6 national nature reserves for demonstration.The established indicator system consists of 30 indicators to comprehensively monitor changes in the 6 key elements that compose an ecosystem,which is habitat,biota,meteorology,soil,atmospheric and water environment,and landscape.The indicator system was effectively applied to monitor the long-term and dynamic changes in the status and evolution of ecosystem components and structures in different ecosystem types of protected areas including forest,grassland,wetland and desert.The normalized and standardized data achieved from the established monitoring network can further be used for the evaluation of conservation effectiveness and healthy management of the protected areas.
作者 徐梦 田大栓 王易恒 何奕成 崔清国 李跃林 申小莉 原作强 王扬 XU Meng;TIAN Da-Shuan;WANG Yi-Heng;HE Yi-Cheng;CUI Qing-Guo;LI Yue-Lin;SHEN Xiao-Li;YUAN Zuo-Qiang;WANG Yang(Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modelling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China;Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems,South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510650,China;Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management,Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;Key Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Neutrality,Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110016,China)
出处 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1219-1233,共15页 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(XDA23080302)和中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项目(2021050)。
关键词 自然保护地 生态系统监测网络 指标体系 生态系统要素 protected area ecosystem monitoring and research network indicator system ecosystem component
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