

A Comparative Study on the Surface Flux Characteristics of Two Types of Typical Forest Underlying Surfaces in South of the Five Ridges
摘要 利用珠海凤凰山典型次生常绿阔叶林陆气相互作用通量观测塔2015年10月至2016年7月的观测资料和广州增城丘陵灌木林陆面过程观测塔2014年10月至2015年7月的观测资料,对两类森林下垫面的能量通量、波文比、碳通量进行了分析。结果表明:干季丘陵灌木林(增城站)的感热占主导地位,典型次生常绿阔叶林(珠海站)感热和潜热相当,湿季随着降水增多,两类森林下垫面的潜热占据主导;在干季丘陵灌木林的感热和潜热的平均日变化波动比次生常绿阔叶林的波动稍平缓一些;两类森林下垫面在干湿季的夜间都出现了负感热,个别时刻有逆湿现象产生。干湿季波文比在夜间波动较大,白天波文比为正值,波动较小;干季白天次生常绿阔叶林的波文比小于丘陵灌木林的波文比;湿季白天波文比都小于1。次生常绿阔叶林的碳通量变化范围比丘陵灌木林更大;典型次生常绿阔叶林的固碳能力比丘陵灌木林的固碳能力更强。干季增城站下垫面的丘陵灌木林的碳通量小于湿季;珠海下垫面的次生常绿阔叶林湿季的碳通量略小于干季,这可能与珠海站的天气状况和通量贡献区域方向有关。 By using the observation data of the land-atmosphere interaction flux observation tower of a typical secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest in Phoenix Mountain of Zhuhai from October 2015 to July 2016 and the land surface process observation tower of the hilly shrub forest in Zengcheng area of Guangzhou from October2014 to July 2015,we analyzed the energy flux,Bowen ratio,and carbon flux of the two types of forest underlying surfaces. The results show that the sensible heat at Zengcheng Station dominates in the dry season,and the sensible heat at Zhuhai Station is equivalent to the latent heat. As precipitation increases in the wet season,the latent heat at the two stations dominates;the average diurnal fluctuations in sensible heat and latent heat at Zengcheng Station in the dry season are slightly more gentle than those at Zhuhai Station;Both stations had negative heat during the night in the dry and wet seasons,and inverse humidity occurred at individual moments. The Bowen ratio in the dry and wet seasons fluctuates greatly at night,and the Bowen ratio in the daytime is positive,and the fluctuation is small;the Bowen ratio at Zhuhai Station during the dry season is smaller than that at Zengcheng Station;In the wet season,the daytime Bowen ratio is less than 1. The carbon flux variation range of secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest is larger than that of hilly shrubs;the carbon sequestration capacity of typical secondary evergreen broad-leaved forests is stronger than that of hilly shrubs. The carbon flux at Zengcheng Station in the dry season is smaller than that in the wet season;the carbon flux in Zhuhai’s wet season is slightly smaller than that in the dry season,which may be related to the weather conditions at Zhuhai Station and the direction of the flux contribution area.
作者 刘雨佳 韦志刚 王欢 李娴茹 郭仕侗 马力 LIU Yujia;WEI Zhigang;WANG Huan;LI Xianru;GUO Shitong;MA Li(State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology,Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou),Guangzhou 511458,Guangdong,China)
出处 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1501-1510,共10页 Plateau Meteorology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41875089) 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)人才团队引进重大专项(GML2019ZD0601)。
关键词 陆气相互作用 感热 潜热 碳通量 Land-atmosphere interaction sensible heat latent heat carbon flux
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