

Chromatism Solutions in Jewelry Online Trading——Take the CMYK Color Scheme System as Example
摘要 在色温5000K、6000K(±500K)和室外非直射自然光下,利用CMYK配色手册中的色卡分别对12粒不同颜色的宝石进行比色,采用比色法确定宝石在不同色温照明条件下的CMYK颜色组成,并通过电脑端的Photoshop、CorelDRAW软件基于宝石颜色的CMYK值重建色块以还原宝石颜色。通过对比重建色块和CMYK配色手册中的色卡,认为CMYK色卡的比色结果可以作为线上珠宝商家在宝石颜色描述时附加的定量参数,买家根据CMYK数值在电脑端利用Photoshop、CorelDraw软件重建或翻阅CMYK配色手册,了解宝石实物的颜色,为够买决策提供辅助,以此解决了珠宝线上交易中色差的问题。 The CMYK color compositions of 12 gemstones with different colors were determined by using the color card in CMYK color matching manual under the conditions of color temperature 5000K, 6000K(±500K) and Outdoor non-direct natural light, and through the computer-side Photoshop and CorelDRAW based on the gem color CMYK value reconstructed color block to restore the gems’ color. By comparing and reconstructing the color blocks and the color cards in CMYK color matching manual, it is considered that the color results of CMYK color cards can be used as quantitative parameters added by online jewelers when describing the color of gemstones, buyers use Photoshop or CorelDraw software to reconstruct or look up the CMYK color manual based on CMYK values to understand the true color of the gem and to assist in purchasing decisions, in order to solve the problem of Chromatism in jewelry online trading.
作者 沈雁翱 陈梓贤 黄陆伟 SHEN Yanao;CHEN Zixian;HUANG Luwei(Guangxi Industrial Technician College,Nanning 530033;National Gemstone Testing Center(Guangdong)Co.Ltd.,Guangzhou 51140)
出处 《中国宝玉石》 2023年第1期34-42,共9页 China Gems & Jades
关键词 色差 CMYK配色手册 颜色组成 颜色重建 chromatism CMYK color matching manual color composition color reconstruction
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