
《民法典》第132条(禁止权利滥用)评注 被引量:6

Commentary on the Article 132 of the Civil Code(Prohibition of Abuse of Rights)
摘要 《民法典》第132条明确规定了禁止权利滥用原则。该条既是民事主体行使权利时应遵循的原则,也可以帮助界定权利滥用行为(可充当其他规则的要件)的意义;但其最重要的功能是在既有具体规范之外,因应实践发展需要,孵化独立、具体的补充性禁止权利滥用规则。判断是否构成权利滥用的核心考量因素可以概括为三项:行为人享有权利,且有行使权利的外观;权利人滥用权利,即其行使权利的行为违背诚实信用或者违反公序良俗;权利滥用行为损害了国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益。其中,损害他人合法权益的情形在私法上最为重要,主要包括不合比例地过度行使权利、矛盾行为或者背信行为以及违反公序良俗行使权利等情形。补充性禁止权利滥用规则的一般法律效果是权利限制和权利丧失。在现行法下,权利失效问题基本上可以在禁止权利滥用原则之下解决。 The general principle of the prohibition of abuse of rights has been clearly stipulated by Article 132 of the Civil Code(2020).This article sets forth a basic principle in the exercise of rights and helps define the meaning and scope of abusive behavior which could be used as a constitutive requirement in other rules.But the primary function of this article is,when circumstances arise,to serve as a crucial device to be employed for the construction of independent and specific rules regarding abuse of rights,as supplements to the existing positive laws.Generally,there are three key factors to be taken into account to determine whether it is abuse of rights:the party has a right,with the external appearance of exercising it;the party abuses the right,in a way that is contrary to good faith and fair dealing,or goes against public policy and good morals;and the party acts to the detriment of public interest or private interest.Abuse of rights to the detriment of private interest,which is of greater importance in private law sphere,could be found in the following typical situations like excessive exercise of a right causing disproportionate harms to the other party,inconsistent behavior frustrating the legitimate expectations of the other party,exercise of a right contrary to public policy and good morals or contrary to the intended legal purpose and so on.As for the general legal effects,if it amounts to abuse of rights,the party’s right should be proportionately restricted or even precluded.The concept of Verwirkung or promissory estoppel could be applied through the doctrine of abuse of rights under current Chinese civil law.
作者 茅少伟 Mao Shaowei
出处 《中国应用法学》 2023年第1期201-212,共12页 China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence
关键词 禁止权利滥用 诚实信用 公序良俗 权利失效 漏洞补充 prohibition of abuse of rights good faith and fair dealing public policy and good morals Verwirkung(promissory estoppel) filling gaps
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