
广州某医院学龄前儿童常见过敏原特异性IgE检测结果分析 被引量:1

Analysis of common allergen-specific IgE test results in preschool children from a hospital in Guangzhou
摘要 目的分析广州某医院学龄前儿童吸入性和食入性过敏原的分布特点,为该地区过敏性疾病的防治提供流行病学依据。方法选取广州某医院门诊和住院部被诊断为过敏性疾病的1428例学龄前患儿为研究对象,采用欧蒙印迹法检测其血清过敏原特异性IgE(sIgE)抗体,分析常见过敏原分布情况。结果1428例患儿中不同性别常见过敏原的sIgE阳性率存在差异,吸入性过敏原中以尘螨组合的sIgE阳性率最高,男性患儿较女性患儿易感(P<0.05);食入性过敏原中以牛奶的sIgE阳性率最高,男性患儿较女性患儿易感(P<0.01)。婴儿(年龄<1岁)过敏原主要为牛奶、蛋白等食入性过敏原,牛奶和(或)鸡蛋的sIgE阳性者占同年龄患儿的61.2%。食入性过敏原的sIgE阳性率随患儿年龄的增长呈下降趋势,而吸入性过敏原的sIgE阳性率呈增长趋势。不同年龄段的患儿均以混合过敏为主。尘螨组合致敏等级5级及6级占比18.1%,常见食入性过敏原致敏等级多以1级及2级为主,但海鲜的致敏等级比较分散,5级与6级占比达33.7%。结论该医院学龄前儿童尘螨致敏的阳性率高,婴儿主要为食入性过敏原致敏,不同年龄段患儿的过敏原结构存在差异,尘螨及海鲜致敏时应注意发生高度过敏的可能。 Objective To investigate the distribution characteristics of inhaled and ingested allergens in preschool children from a local hospital in Guangzhou,aiming to provide epidemiological evidences for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases in this region.Methods A total of 1428 preschool children diagnosed with allergic diseases in outpatient and inpatient of this hospital were selected.The serum allergen-specific Ig E antibody(s Ig E)was detected by Euroline Western blot,and the distribution of various allergens was analyzed.Results There were statistically significant differences in the positive rates of common allergens among preschool children of different genders.Among inhaled allergens,dust mites yielded the highest positive rate of s Ig E.Male children had higher susceptibility compared with female counterparts(P<0.05).Among ingested allergens,milk yielded the highest positive rate of s Ig E,and male children had higher susceptibility than female counterparts(P<0.01).Milk and protein were the main ingested allergens in infants<1 year old,and the positive rate of milk and/or egg allergens accounted for 61.2%in this age group.The positive rate of s Ig E of ingested allergens showed a decreasing trend with the increase of age,whereas that of inhaled allergens showed an increasing trend.The sensitization was mainly caused by mixed allergy in different age groups.The positive rate of grade 5 and 6allergy in dust mite combination reached 18.1%,and the sensitization induced by common ingested allergens was mainly grade 1 and 2.However,the sensitization grade of seafood was diffusive,grade 5 and 6 accounting for 33.7%.Conclusions The positive rate of dust mite sensitization in children aged 0-6 years is high in this hospital.Infants are mainly sensitized by ingested allergens.The structure of allergens differs among children of different ages.The possibility of high allergy caused by dust mite and seafood should be considered.
作者 邵梦烨 李晓娜 麦海珍 马茹 刘婷 Shao Mengye;Li Xiaona;Mai Haizhen;Ma Ru;Liu Ting(Department of Pediatrics,the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510630,China)
出处 《新医学》 CAS 2023年第2期144-148,共5页 Journal of New Medicine
关键词 过敏原 特异性IGE抗体 尘螨 牛奶 海鲜 Allergen Allergen-specific IgE antibody Dust mite Milk Seafood
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