

On the Problems and Countermeasures in the Intermediate Stage of Modernization
摘要 从世界范围看,以二战结束为重要时间节点,我们可以将这之前的现代化视为初级阶段的现代化,将这之后的现代化视为中级阶段的现代化。自二战结束至今,现代化出现了一些明显的新发展和新趋向,现代化已经由初级阶段的现代化进入到中级阶段的现代化。在中级的现代化阶段当中仍然存在大量的问题。“带病推进”是中级现代化阶段的一种常态现象。在现代化的中级阶段,人类社会面临这样几个相对来说比较重要和突出的问题:新技术催生的异化现象;过度的社会保护逻辑所催生的福利过度陷阱;愈益凸显的社会风险;和平与发展大背景之下仍然存在的国家与国家之间大量的矛盾纠纷。为了有效地应对这些问题,至少应当做到:确保国家共同体自身的团结整合;激活现代化的内生动力;基于人类命运共同体的理念推动公正的国际秩序的建立。 From a worldwide perspective, there are two stages of modernization with the end of the World War II as an important time node.we can regard the modernization before it as the primary stage, and after it as the intermediate stage.Since the end of the World War II,there have been some obvious new developments and new trends in modernization which has moved from the primary stage to the intermediate stage.There are still a lot of problems in the intermediate stage of modernization where “advancing with ills” is a normal phenomenon.In this stage, human society will face several relatively important and prominent problems such as the alienation phenomenon caused by new technology, the trap of welfare expansion caused by the excessive social protection logic, the increasingly prominent social risks and a large number of contradictions and disputes between countries in the context of peace and development.In order to effectively deal with these problems, we should at least ensure the unity and integration of the actual community of nations, activate the endogenous driving power of modernization, and promote the establishment of a just international order based on the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.
作者 吴忠民 WU Zhongmin(Department of Social Governance and Ecological Advancement,Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China/National Academy of Governance,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期40-51,共12页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 现代化初级阶段 现代化中级阶段 重要维度 重要问题 有效应对 the primary stage of modernization the intermediate stage of modernization important dimensions important issues effective countermeasures
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