

Research on Multi-Objective Path Optimization Algorithm Based on SDN
摘要 SDN网络是基于跳数的最短路径转发策略,当有大量的突发流量,这种策略非常的不灵活,极易形成网络的拥塞,进而影响网络的服务质量.为此,基于SDN网络的结构特点,将SDN网络拓扑中的链路资源信息用到多目标路由算法中,通过多目标路由优化选出最佳路径.结果表明,与传统的路由算法相比,多目标路径优化算法在数据吞吐量、链路利用率、平均时延及数据丢包率等方面均具有较好的性能提升,使网络拥塞发生的概率大幅降低. At present, SDN network is the shortest path forwarding strategy based on hops. When there is a large number of burst traffic, this strategy is very inflexible, and it is very easy to form network congestion,thus affecting the network quality of service. According to the structural characteristics of SDN network, this paper applies the link resource information in SDN network topology to the multi-objective routing algorithm,and selects the best path through multi-objective routing optimization. Experimental results show that, compared with traditional routing algorithms, the multi-objective path optimization algorithm proposed in this paper has better performance improvement in data throughput, link utilization, average delay and data packet loss rate, which greatly reduces the probability of network congestion.
作者 潘晓君 PAN Xiao-jun(School of Information Engineering,Anhui Business Vocational College,Hefei 231131,Anhui,China)
出处 《喀什大学学报》 2022年第6期62-65,共4页 Journal of Kashi University
基金 安徽省人文社科重点项目“区块链视域下网络安全产教融合应用研究”(2022AH052788)。
关键词 SDN 多目标路径优化 网络拥塞 SDN multi-objective path optimization network congestion
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