
比例原则在宪法平等权分析中的运用 被引量:5

Application of the Proportionality Principle in Analysis of Constitutional Right to Equality
摘要 宪法上的平等权是指规范自身的平等,不同于其他公法领域的规范实施的平等和民法上的私人之间的平等。我国传统上分析宪法平等权的思路——禁止不合理的差别,存在标准不确定,及“只解决差别、不解决对待”的问题,可以将比例原则适用于宪法平等权分析来弥补上述缺陷。具体来说,用比例原则中的目的正当性、妥当性来分析是否存在不合理的差别,如果规范分类的目的不符合宪法的要求或者虽然区分的目的正当,但现有的区分无法实现区分的目的,就可以认为该差别不合理,从而不能进行不同对待。如果差别合理,即规范分类通过了目的正当性和妥当性的审查,就可用来进一步分析应实行何种不同对待。此时可以用比例原则中的必要性和均衡性来分析,即在多个不同对待中,应当选择造成损害最小的不同对待;同时,不同对待的幅度应当与差别不同的幅度保持均衡,从而最终确定合理的不同对待方式。用比例原则来加强宪法平等权分析的说理有助于健全法律面前人人平等保障机制。 The case of equality right in the Constitution refers to the equality of regulating itself, which is different from the equality in the implementation of norms in other public law fields and the equality between private persons in civil law. The traditional analyzing frame of equality in China—— prohibiting unreasonable differences, there are uncertain standards and the problem of “only solving differences, not solving treatment”. The principle of proportionality can be applied to cases of equal rights to remedy the above defects. To be specific, use the legitimacy and appropriateness of the purpose in the principle of proportion to analyze whether there are unreasonable differences. If the purpose of regulating classification does not conform to the requirements of the Constitution, or although the purpose of differentiation is legitimate, the existing differentiation cannot achieve the purpose of differentiation, the difference can be considered unreasonable, and therefore different treatment cannot be made. If the difference is reasonable, that is, the norms have passed the review of the legitimacy and appropriateness of the purpose, then we can analyze what kind of differential treatment should be carried out. At this time, we can use the necessity and balance of the principle of proportionality to analyze, that is, among many different treatments, we should choose the one that causes the least damage;At the same time, the range of different treatment should be balanced with the range of different treatment, so as to finally determine a reasonable way of different treatment. Using the principle of proportionality to strengthen the reasoning of cases of equal rights will help to improve the mechanism of ensuring everyone’s equality before the law.
作者 王锴 Wang Kai
出处 《法学》 北大核心 2023年第2期32-46,共15页 Law Science
基金 司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目《反歧视立法的宪法问题研究》(19SFB2010)的阶段性成果。
关键词 规范自身平等 恣意禁止 比例原则 不合理的差别 不合理的对待 normative equality arbitrary prohibition principle of proportionality unreasonable differences unreasonable treatment
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