

Metaphor of Jade:An Investigation of the Political and Aesthetic Implications of Qianlong’s Jade Wares
摘要 玉是一种无声的语言,对于与乾隆政治人生相关的玉器而言,它既具备艺术欣赏性,同时又饱含政治美学的意蕴。乾隆为实现政治的“正心”,曾将玉玺视为自己的身份勋章,通过完善宝玺制度,强化了臣下对帝王身份和统治合法性的认同。盛世之治后,乾隆则用艺术形象来“魅心”,由他主导下创作的玉器《大禹治水》,不仅展现了独享玉石资源的帝王权威,同时也成就了一座歌颂“江山稳固”与“盛德教化”的丰碑。而在玉器出现审美趣味的异化后,乾隆为开展对士人阶层和平民阶层的“治心”,他对此执行了规训,以树立文化领导权。政治美学探析试图返回乾隆玉器中美的原境,同时也在政治与美学的有限与无限自由之间,诉说着一个“审美人”同时也是“政治人”的人性的曲折复杂,玉的隐喻就在美学与政治互为显隐的关系中,不断重复地表达着乾隆拥有至高权力的事实。 Jade is a kind of silent language.As for the jade wares related to Emperor Qianlong s political life,they possess not only the value of artistic appreciation but also many political and aesthetic implications.In order to achieve dominant legitimacy and establish imperial prestige,Qianlong once regarded the jade seal as his own identity medal.Through the improvement of the jade seal system,he strengthened the significance of the emperor s status symbol and the legitimacy of governance,and showed his desire to rule for a long time.After his ruling during the prosperous times,Qianlong used artistic images to charm the people and create power images to show off his achievements.The creation of the jade sculpture Dayu zhishui大禹治水(Sage King Yu Controlling the Flood)under his leadership not only demonstrated the exclusive imperial authority over jade resources,but also constituted a monument to honor his political achievements in bringing about the“stability of the country”and in promoting“virtue and education”.While the alienation of the aesthetic taste of jade occurred,Qianlong exercised discipline on jade industry to establish cultural leadership so as to carry out the“governance”over the intellectual class and the civilian class as well.The research on the political aesthetics in Qianlong s jade wares tries to return to the origin of aesthetics,but at the same time,between the limited freedom of politics and unlimited freedom of aesthetics,it shows the complexity of humanity coming from the duality of an individual as both an“aesthetic person”and a“political person”.The metaphor of jade,in the obvious and implicit relationship between aesthetics and politics,constantly reveals the fact that Qianlong was in possession of the supreme power.
作者 刘婷婷 李昌舒 LIU Tingting;LI Changshu(School of Liberal Arts,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期147-157,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国古代美学命题整理与研究”(21&ZD068)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 乾隆 玉器 政治美学 美学意蕴 Qianlong jade ware political aesthetics aesthetic implication
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