

“Without Zongzhou,the Studies of Yangming’s Xinxue Would be Full of Fallacies”:Liu Zongzhou’s Interpretation of Daxue and His Rectification of Yangming’s Xinxue
摘要 阳明由《大学》切入,成功地挑战朱子并创立新说,开启了不从《大学》而入就难以把握其思想的义理架构的学术格局。当前学界关于刘宗周对阳明心学的补偏救弊考察虽不乏关注,但少有从宗周最为倾心的《大学》注本切入展开的,这不仅背离阳明心学的学术进路,亦与宗周自身的问题意识相悖。作为乘心学流弊而起的学者,宗周针对阳明心学依循《大学》建构的思路,针锋相对地诠解《大学》,从文本和义理两方面辩难和救正心学,以“扭转‘六经注我’”“‘诚意’置于‘良知’之上”“打并本体、工夫为一”“以慎独为格物”的理论新诠形式,堵塞和填补心学漏洞,继而更新、生成和延续阳明心学,并仰赖宗周在宋明理学中殿军的地位,衍生出典范的学术史意义:一是推动晚明阳明心学由脱略经典朝向经典主义转进;二是深化和完善心学的意识结构和工夫体验,更为关注道德的纯粹性和自觉性问题;三是推动阳明心学由玄虚空谈朝向健实一路发展。 Wang Yangming successfully challenged Zhu Xi and created a new theory of Xinxue心学(learning of heart-and-mind)by proceeding from his interpretation of Daxue大学(The Great Learning),which led to the situation where it was impossible to grasp the rationale framework of his thoughts without starting from Daxue.As for Liu Zongzhou s supplement to and correction of Yangming s Xinxue,the current academic research seldom starts from the annotated version of Daxue,which not only deviates from the academic approach advocated by Wang Yangming,but also runs counter to Liu Zongzhou s own understanding of the problem.As a scholar who grew up among the fallacies in the studies of Xinxue and believed that Yangming s theory was constructed according to Daxue,Liu Zongzhou offered an alternative interpretation of Daxue,trying to rectify the mistakes in the studies of Xinxue by examining and analyzing the text of Daxue and the philosophical ideas behind the lines.In the form of“reversing the doctrine of‘six classics interpret me’”,“placing‘sincerity’above‘conscience’”,“integrating the ontological essence and moral efforts as an organic one”,and“taking vigilance in solitude as an approach to the investigation of things”,his new theoretical interpretations plugged and filled the loopholes in the studies of Xinxue at that time,thus renewing and promoting the development of Yangming s theory.Because of Liu s position as a leading scholar in the field of post-Neo-Confucianism that was dominant in the Song and Ming Dynasties,his work is of typical significance in the academic history:firstly,it promoted Yangming s Xinxue to move from neglecting the classics toward the restoration of classicism;secondly,it deepened and improved the consciousness structure and practical moral experience advocated by Xinxue,and paid more attention to the purity and consciousness of morality;thirdly,it promoted Yangming s Xinxue to move from indulging in metaphysical talk to pursuing realistic substance.
作者 李敬峰 LI Jingfeng(Supervisor at the School of Philosophy,Shaanxi Normal University,710119)
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期158-168,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“宋明清关学思想通论(七卷本)”(19ZDA029)的阶段性成果。
关键词 刘宗周 王阳明 心学 《大学》 救正 Liu Zongzhou Wang Yangming Xinxue Daxue rectification
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