
一种基于双层模糊控制的匝道合流区协同控制方法 被引量:1

A Coordinated Control Method of Ramp Confluence Area Based on Two-Layer Fuzzy Control
摘要 为了提高匝道合流区的交通通行效率,降低匝道合流区的车辆平均延误,采用双层模糊控制方法,对匝道合流区主线车辆和匝道车辆进行协同控制。建立面向匝道合流区的换道决策模糊控制器,设计其输入和输出变量,并确定模糊规则。根据第一层双模糊控制器决策结果,得到以车辆通行数优先的和以平均延误最低的换道决策率,并通过第二层模糊控制生成实际换道率,以车辆通过量和平均延误为评价指标,在相同条件下对无模糊控制,部分模糊控制以及完全模糊控制进行仿真。结果表明,部分模糊控制及完全模糊控制相对于无模糊控制,平均延误分别降低7.669 s和48.746 s。文章所提出的关于匝道合流区的模糊控制为匝道合流区协同控制提供了一种新的方式。 In order to improve the traffic efficiency in the ramp confluence area and reduce the average delay of vehicles in the ramp confluence area, a two-layer fuzzy control method is used to control the main line vehicles and ramp vehicles in the ramp confluence area.A fuzzy controller for lane change decision-making in ramp merging area is established, its input and output variables are designed, and the fuzzy rules are determined. According to the decision-making results of the first layer of dual fuzzy controllers, the lane change decision rate with priority to the number of vehicles and the lowest average delay is obtained, and the actual lane change rate is generated through the second layer of fuzzy control. Taking the vehicle throughput and average delay as the evaluation indicators, the non-fuzzy control, partial fuzzy control and complete fuzzy control are simulated under the same conditions. The results show that the partial fuzzy control and the complete fuzzy control relative to non-fuzzy control, the average delay is reduced by 7.669s and 48.746s respectively. The proposed fuzzy control of ramp confluence area provides a new way for the collaborative control of ramp confluence area.
出处 《大众科技》 2022年第12期9-13,25,共6页 Popular Science & Technology
基金 基于NB-IOT环境下智慧泊车诱导系统关键技术研究(2362022YCXS228) 柳州市重大专项(2021CAA0101)。
关键词 匝道控制 模糊控制 自动驾驶 换道决策 ramp control fuzzy control automated driving lane change decision
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