目次 一问题的提出二墓地的分区三墓地的分期与年代四墓主人的来源五墓地的形成六结语 二十世纪五十年代,为配合长治市基本建设,山西省文物考古部门开始对分水岭墓地进行考古发掘工作,一直到二十世纪七十年代,前后发掘东周墓葬一百六十五座,其中部分墓葬在发掘结束后曾进行过报道[1]。在该墓地发掘报告出版之前,研究者或根据已发表的资料对个别墓葬的年代进行了判断,或探讨墓地的国别和文化归属等问题[2]。
Changzhi Fenshuiling cemetery can be divided into four zones,i.e.,west,south,middle,and east,according to the special form of the unearthed pottery grave goods.The periods of the tombs in each zone were different but partially overlap,and their owners were not all related by blood and lineage,but were from the Jin,Wei,and Zhao populations in different periods.The tomb owners of the Fenshuiling cemetery is neither a family of several generations without interruption as some researchers have suggested,nor primarily from the Jin.Since different populations entered this place at different times,our speculation differs from the understanding presented in the excavation report,which considers the middle Spring and Autumn period as Jin burials,the early to middle Warring States period as Zhao burials,and the middle and earlier-late Warring States period as Han burials.Due to the contending between Wei and Zhao for the Changzhi area during the Warring States period,the attribution of this area kept changing.People of different origins entered the area,then lived together,and be buried in the same cemetery after death.It testifies to the transformation of the basic organization of society from blood relations to geopolitical relations during the Warring States period.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica