

Research on COVID-19 Information Organization Strategy Based on Wikidata
摘要 对Wikidata数据模型以及其对COVID-19信息组织等模式进行研究,以期对国内信息组织等相关领域的研究以及COVID-19数据整合的相关工作提供借鉴和参考。首先对主流的三个知识库进行对比分析,其次将Wikidata中的中国COVID-19数据与中国国家卫生健康委员会的疫情数据进行多个维度的比较分析,最后对Wikidata中的COVID-19数据可视化基础框架进行分析,以探索Wikidata对COVID-19信息组织策略。Wikidata具有灵活的数据模型,使用RDF三元组的形式存储数据,并通过限定符和参考引用提供基本语句的附加特性和来源。Wikidata记录的COVID-19数据具有多种可获取途径和较高的准确性,但在数据及时性和完整性方面有待进一步完善。 This paper studies the Wikidata data model and its mode on COVID-19 information organization,with a view to providing reference for the research of domestic information organization and the relevant work of COVID-19 data integration.First,the three mainstream knowledge bases are compared and analyzed.Secondly,the COVID-19 data from China in Wikidata and the epidemic data of the National Health Commission of China are compared and analyzed from multiple dimensions.Finally,the basic framework of COVID-19 data visualization in Wikidata is analyzed to explore the strategy of Wikidata to COVID-19 information organization.Wikidata has a flexible data model,stores data in the form of RDF triples,and provides additional features and sources of basic statements through qualifiers and reference.The COVID-19 data recorded by Wikidata has multiple access ways and high accuracy,but the timeliness and integrity of the data need to be further improved.
作者 杨倩 李小丽 YANG Qian;LI Xiaoli(School of Public Administration,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China)
出处 《现代信息科技》 2023年第3期1-7,共7页 Modern Information Technology
关键词 Wikidata COVID-19 信息组织 COVIWD Wikidata COVID-19 information organization COVIWD
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