

Design of Shipborne Material Dispatching System Based on Cloud Computing Technology
摘要 文章根据船用信息系统集成模式的发展趋势和船载物资调度系统的实际需求以及全舰计算环境的技术特点,论述了云计算技术在全舰计算环境上应用的必要性和可行性。随后以船载物资调度系统业务需求为依据,对基于云计算技术的人工智能技术、数字孪生技术和微服务架构在船用物资调度系统中的应用领域进行了探讨,并给出一个实现示例,为类似信息系统的设计与实现提供参考和借鉴。 This paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of the application of cloud computing technology in the total ship computing environment according to the development trend of the integration mode of the ship information system,the actual demand of the shipborne material dispatching system and the technical characteristics of the total ship computing environment.Then,based on the business requirements of the shipborne material dispatching system,the application fields of artificial intelligence technology,digital twins technology and micro-service architecture based on cloud computing technology in the shipborne material dispatching system are discussed,and an implementation example is given to provide reference for the design and implementation of similar information systems.
作者 肖志勇 李华 刘朝霞 XIAO Zhiyong;LI Hua;LIU Zhaoxia(th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited,Zhengzhou 450015,China)
出处 《现代信息科技》 2023年第3期75-78,82,共5页 Modern Information Technology
关键词 云计算技术 全舰计算环境 智能计算 数字孪生 微服务 cloud computing technology total ship computing environment intelligent computing digital twins micro-service
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