
中国东北地区三种蜜环菌的生物学特性及奥氏蜜环菌人工培养 被引量:4

Biological characteristics of three Armillaria species from Northeast China and artificial cultivation of A.ostoyae
摘要 蜜环菌属Armillaria真菌具有较高的食药用价值。由于蜜环菌的生长发育过程较复杂,还未完全实现商业化栽培,野生资源的供应受到季节性和地域性的影响。本研究以采自东北地区蜜环菌属的3个菌株为研究对象,通过培养物的形态特征及分子标记确定菌株JG19016为奥氏蜜环菌A.ostoyae,菌株JG19017为高卢蜜环菌A.gallica,菌株JG19018为中国蜜环菌生物种C。奥氏蜜环菌JG19016最适生长温度为25℃,高卢蜜环菌JG19017的最适生长温度为22℃,中国蜜环菌生物种C JG19018则在22-25℃时菌丝生长速度最快;3个菌株最适pH为5-6。奥氏蜜环菌JG19016对葡萄糖和蔗糖利用率较好,高卢蜜环菌JG19017对葡萄糖利用率较好,中国蜜环菌生物种CJG19018对葡萄糖和淀粉利用率较好;蛋白胨对3个菌株促进作用最强,为最适氮源。培养基中加入VB1,对3个菌株的菌丝生长均有明显的促进作用。奥氏蜜环菌JG19016菌丝生长的最优培养基配方为:葡萄糖20 g,蛋白胨3 g,磷酸二氢钾2 g,硫酸镁1.5 g,VB110 mg,琼脂20 g,水1 L。在木屑基质中培养,其配方的最优碳氮比为38:1,最佳木屑粗细比为3:1以上。出菇条件探索结果显示,菌丝及菌索长满菌袋(17mm×33mm×5mm丝聚乙烯袋)需要50-60d,之后在18℃、60%湿度和12h散射光的环境中,10d左右可观察到原基产生。增加菇房湿度到90%-95%,2-3d可观察到1-3 cm的幼子实体,7 d左右菌柄和菌盖完全分化,10 d左右观察到菌盖展开。 Armillaria species have high edible and medicinal values,however,and they have not fully been commercially cultivated for their complex growth and development process.The supply of wild resources is affected by seasons and regions.In this study,three strains of Armillaria from Northeast China,A.ostoyae JG19016,A.gallica JG19017,and Chinese Biological Species C(CBS C)JG19018 were selected as experimental samples to research the biological characteristic of Armilaria cultivated strains.The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of A.ostoyae JG19016 was 25℃,of A.gallica JG1901722℃,and of Chinese Biological Species C(CBS C)JG1901822–25℃.The optimum pH for mycelial growth of the three strains was 5–6.Glucose and sucrose were the optimal carbon sources for A.ostoyae JG19016,glucose was for A.gallica JG19017 and glucose and starch were for Chinese Biological Species C(CBS C)JG19018.The optimum nitrogen source for the three strains was peptone.Trace of VB1significantly promoted the mycelial growth rate of the three strains.The optimal medium formula for mycelial growth of A.ostoyae JG19016 was glucose 20 g,peptone 3 g,potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2 g,magnesium sulfate 1.5 g,VB110 mg,agar 20 g,and water 1 L.For the formula of sawdust medium,the optimum carbon-nitrogen ratio was 38:1,the optimum ratio of coarse sawdust to fine sawdust is 3:1.It will take 50–60 days for bagful cultivation of mycelium and rhizomorph in the bag of 17 mm×33 mm×5 mm in size.Primordium can be observed in about 10 days under 18℃,60%humidity and illumination of scattered light for 12 h.After 2–3 d the young fruiting bodies of 1–3 cm can be observed by increasing the humidity of the cultivation room to 90%–95%.The time of full differentiation for the stem and cap of the fruiting body is about 7 d,and in about 10 d the fruiting bodies mature.
作者 陈鹏 宋佳 郭璞 冀瑞卿 CHEN Peng;SONG Jia;GUO Pu;JI Ruiqing(Engineering Research Center of Chinese Ministry of Education for Edible and Medicinal Fungi,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118,Jilin,China)
出处 《菌物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期297-311,共15页 Mycosystema
基金 科技部重点研发专项(2018YFE0107800)。
关键词 蜜环菌属 生物学特性 大型真菌种质资源 驯化栽培 Armillaria biological characteristics germplasm resources of macrofungi domesticated cultivation
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