
基于可变公共信号周期的感应干道协调控制方法 被引量:1

Actuated arterial coordinated control method based on variable common cycle length
摘要 传统的感应协调控制局限于部分信号参数的优化,并未从适应交通流变化的实时趋势角度展开研究。本文针对未饱和路段的协调信号控制需求,利用时距图分析感应控制中绿时延长所产生的非公共信号周期对协调交叉口的影响,研究传统感应信号控制与协调控制相结合的信号控制方法。利用流量变化趋势图分析流量增减情况和信号参数变化的关系,并使用滚动优化的方式计算周期调整时间。提出了一种基于可变公共信号周期的感应干道协调控制方法,并结合NEMA双环相位结构设计了本文方法的感应协调控制流程。通过本文方法可实现干道协调方向信号控制交叉口周期时长的动态变化,并通过计算周期调整时间和调整绿时等参数可以得到优化后的调整背景方案。以广州市花都区紫薇路的4个相邻十字交叉口干道为算例构建仿真路网,并利用VISSIM的VAP模块建立感应控制逻辑,对绿波协调控制、传统感应协调控制和可变公共周期感应协调控制3种方法分别进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明:在未饱和状态下,相较于绿波协调控制方案和传统感应协调控制方案,本文提出的可变信号周期的感应协调方法可有效降低协调车队平均延误和停车次数,面向波动变化的交通流适应性较强,能够有效实现干道交叉口的联动控制,具有良好的协调效果。 The traditional actuated coordinated control is limited to the optimization of some signal parameters,and has not been studied from the perspective of adapting to the real-time trend of traffic flow change.Considering the real demand for actuated coordinated control in the situation of unsaturated, in this paper,influence of variable cycle length on actuated coordinated control were analyzed using the time-space diagram.The signal control method combining traditional actuated signal control and coordinated signal control was studied. The relationship between increase and decrease of flow and signal parameter change was analyzed by using the flow change trend diagram. The cycle adjusted time was calculated by rolling optimization. This paper proposed a method of actuated arterial coordinated control based on variable common cycle length, and the control flow of this method is designed combined with NEMA dual-ring phase structure. Using the method, the cycle length dynamic change of the coordinated signal control of the arterial road direction can be realized. By calculating the parameters such as adjusted green time and cycle adjusted time, the adjusted background scheme after optimization can be obtained. Through the VAP module of VISSIM, taking the arterial roads of four adjacent intersections of Ziwei Road in Huadu District of Guangzhou as the simulation background to build simulation network, the simulation experiments of green wave coordinated control, traditional actuated coordinated control and variable common cycle length actuated coordinated control method were carried out respectively. The simulation results are drawn. In the unsaturated state, compared with the green wave coordination control scheme and the traditional actuated coordinated control scheme, the actuated coordinated method with variable cycle length proposed in this paper can effectively reduce the average delay and parking times of the coordinated fleet.It has strong adaptability to the fluctuating traffic flow, which can effectively realize the linkage control of arterial road intersection, and has a good coordination effect.
作者 卢凯 裴晟辉 钱喆 吴瑶婷 LU Kai;PEI Shenghui;QIAN Zhe;WU Yaoting(State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science,School of Civil Engineering and Transportation,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;Guangzhou Radio Group Limited Company,Guangzhou 510656,China)
出处 《铁道科学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期105-115,共11页 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52172326,61773168) 广州市重点研发计划项目(202103050002)。
关键词 感应控制 协调控制 可变信号周期 时距图 滚动优化 actuated control coordinated control variable cycle length time-space diagram rolling optimization
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