
论营商环境的司法机理 被引量:4

On the Judicial Mechanism of Building a Law-Based Business Environment
摘要 优化营商环境是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容,是进一步扩大对外开放、发展更高层次开放型经济的重要保障。党的二十大报告对完善产权保护、市场准入、公平竞争、社会信用等市场经济基础制度,营造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境提出了明确要求,为我们分析研究营商环境司法机理,准确把握司法在优化营商环境中的功能定位和实践路径指明了方向。法治是最好的营商环境。世界银行营商环境评价体系中“司法三指标”的设置,表明优化营商环境具有极其深刻的司法特质。我国法院法治化营商环境司法评价指标体系的构建,有效回应了法治化营商环境建设的时代诉求,凸显了司法之于营商环境建设的现实意义。司法保障营商环境建设具有必要性、紧迫性,应当立足政治功能、法律功能、社会功能,彰显促发展的责任担当,实现众权益平等保护,提供全流程诉讼服务。同时,还应处理好普遍和特殊、实体和程序以及公开和保密之间的关系。在习近平法治思想的指引下,紧紧围绕“努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义”的目标,司法应积极构建保障优化营商环境的实践路径,从关注中小投资者、强化执行合同、抓好破产审判、完善机制建设等主要方面进一步展现更大担当和作为。 The business environment is an important reflection of the core competitiveness of a country or a region.The rule of law is the best business environment,and the judicial environment is an important part of law-based business environment.Therefore,the study on the judicial mechanism of the business environment is of great significance and value for optimizing the business environment.The formulation of the “three judicial indicators” in the World Bank’s evaluation system for the business environment shows that optimizing the business environment has distinctive judicial characteristics and profound connotations.The construction of a judicial evaluation index system for the law-based business environment in China’s courts has responded to the demands of the times for the construction of a law-based business environment,highlighting the practical significance of justice for the construction of a sound business environment.The judiciary has an important function in the construction of a law-based business environment,and it is urgent and necessary for the judiciary to guarantee the construction of a law-based business environment.In order to effectively play the role of judicial protection of the construction of a law-based business environment,we can focus on the two aspects of the extension of the procedures and the deepening of the substantive law,and based on the social functions and legal functions of the judicial protection,we should provide the whole-process litigation services so as to achieve equal protection of all rights and interests.At the same time,in the process of judicial protection of the business environment,we should appropriately deal with the relationship between the ends and the means;between the universal and the particular;between the modest and the ambitious;between the substantive and the procedural;and between the disclosure of information and the protection of privacy.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and closely focused on the goal of “striving to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case”,the judiciary should make clear the practical path to safeguarding the optimization of the business environment,and further demonstrate its commitment and role in such main areas as paying attention to small and medium-sized investors,strengthening the enforcement of contracts,effectively handling bankruptcy trials,and improving the construction of judicial mechanisms.
作者 李后龙 Li Houlong
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2022年第6期38-53,共16页 Law and Modernization
关键词 营商环境 法治化营商环境 司法机理 实践路径 business environment law-based business environment judicial mechanism path to practice
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