

A Study on Kindergarten Textbooks in the Period of the Republic of China:Centered on Life Textbooks of Jinbu Bookshop
摘要 民国时期,受当时国内“儿童发现”热潮及国外儿童教育思想的影响,学者们将先进的儿童教育理念和中国的优秀传统文化与时代特点相结合,编写出了高水平的幼稚园教材与儿童读物,进步书店印行的《生活课本》是其中的佼佼者。《生活课本》在编写理念上,注重以儿童为中心,向儿童传授正面的价值观念,培养儿童的审美能力;在具体编排上,选取自然、品德等与儿童实际生活联系紧密的内容,采用歌谣、故事等多种体裁以丰富儿童的学习体验。教材的版面构建合理美观以适应儿童的身心发展水平,练习设计兼顾儿童学与玩的双重需求,插图色彩鲜艳且趣味性强以激发儿童的学习兴趣。《生活课本》对当前幼儿园教材与儿童读物的编写具有一定的参考价值,要求我们在研发、编写儿童教材与读物时需要站在儿童的视角,从儿童的成长规律和发展特点出发强调对儿童德育、智育和美育的培养,重视教材内容与中国优秀传统文化和时代特征的有机结合。 During the period of the Republic of China, influenced by the ’children’s discovery’boom in China and foreign ideas on children’s education, scholars combined advanced ideas on children’s education with China’s outstanding traditional culture and the characteristics of the times to produce high quality kindergarten teaching materials and children’s books, withLife Textbooks published by the Jinbu Bookshop being one of the best. In its conceptual approach, the textbook is child-centred, teaching children positive values and developing their basic aesthetic skills. The layout of the textbook is well-constructed and aesthetically pleasing to suit children’s physical and mental development, the exercises are designed to meet children’s needs for both learning and playing, and the illustrations are colorful and interesting to stimulate children’s interest in learning.At the time, the textbook is of great historical value and significance: taking children as the main subject of kindergarten teaching materials, promoting the development of the modern language and preschool education;at the present time, the textbook is of great practical significance, and its revelations for kindergarten teaching materials and children’s books are: firstly, the content of teaching materials and books should be developed and written from the children’s point of view, in accordance with the traits of growth and development of children;secondly, the initial cultivation of children’s moral, intellectual and aesthetic education should be emphasized in the teaching materials;and finally, the integration of the teaching materials with the contents of China’s splendid traditional culture and the characteristics of the times should be taken into account.
作者 李素敏 陆欣彤 LI Sumin;LU Xintong(Faculty of Education,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin,300387,P.R.China)
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2023年第1期79-90,共12页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“雄安新区公共服务体系与教育发展规划研究”(17JZD012)。
关键词 民国时期 幼稚园教材 《生活课本》 Republic of China kindergarten textbooks Life Textbooks
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