
不同基质和供液频率对温室黄瓜生长的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Different Matrix and Liquid Supply Frequency on the Growth of Cucumber in Greenhouses
摘要 为了探究不同基质和供液频率对温室黄瓜生长的影响,以“德瑞特11”黄瓜为试材,以基质种类A1(草炭∶珍珠岩∶蛭石=4∶1∶1)、A2(细沙∶椰糠=1∶1)、A3(细沙)、CK(园土)和供液频率P1(一天1次)、P2(一天2次)、P3(一天3次)为试验变量,采用完全随机区组的方法,对黄瓜的株高、茎粗、叶面积、叶片SPAD值、果实干鲜质量、果实外观品质进行了监测分析,并基于主成分综合评价法进一步确定了适宜黄瓜生长的基质和供液频率。结果表明:A2P2处理下的株高、果实鲜质量、果实长度和直径均为最优;A2P1处理下的植株茎粗和叶面积达到最大;A2P3处理下的叶片SPAD值和果实含水率达到最高;CKP1处理下的植株株高、叶片SPAD值、果实鲜质量、果实长度均表现最差;CKP3处理下的植株茎粗和叶面积最小;同时通过主成分分析法综合分析得出A2P2处理下的综合得分最高。因此综合考虑黄瓜植株的生长指标、果实干鲜质量、叶片SPAD值、果实外观得出,供液频率为一天2次,栽培基质为细沙∶椰糠=1∶1组合下的种植模式对黄瓜的生长最为有利。 In order to explore the effects of different substrates and liquid supply frequencies on the growth of cucumbers in greenhouses,"Druit11"cucumber was used as the test material,and the matrix types A1(grass charcoal:perlite:vermiculite=4∶1∶1),A2(fine sand:coconut bran=1∶1),A3(Fine sand),CK(Garden soil)and liquid supply frequency P1(once a day),P2(twice a day),P3(three times a day)were used as experimental variable.The plant height,stem diameter,leaf area,leaf SPAD value,dry and fresh weight of fruits,and fruit appearance quality of cucumber were monitored and analyzed by the method of complete random block,and the substrate and liquid supply frequency suitable for cucumber growth were further determined based on the principal component comprehensive evaluation method.The results showed that the plant height,fresh fruit quality,fruit length and diameter were the best under A2P2 treatment.The stem diameter and leaf area of plants under A2P1 treatment reached the maximum.The leaf SPAD value and fruit moisture content were the highest under A2P3 treatment.The plant height,leaf SPAD value,fruit fresh quality and fruit length were the worst under CKP1 treatment.The stem diameter and leaf area of the plants under the treatment of CKP3 were the smallest.At the same time,through comprehensive analysis by principal component analysis,it can be found that the comprehensive score under A2P2 treatment was the highest.Therefore,considering the growth index,biomass index,leaf SPAD value and fruit appearance of cucumber plants,the frequency of liquid supply is 2 times a day,and the planting mode under the combination of fine sand:coconut bran=1∶1 is the most beneficial to the growth of cucumber.
作者 李艳丽 申丽霞 彭志慧 杨杰 侯诗宇 LI Yan-li;SHEN Li-xia;PENG Zhi-hui;YANG Jie;HOU Shi-yu(College of Water Conservancy and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China)
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2023年第2期96-101,110,共7页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 山西省自然科学研究(202103021224093) 山西重点研发计划(201903D221058)。
关键词 基质栽培 基质种类 供液频率 营养液 温室黄瓜 黄瓜生长 主成分分析 substrate cultivation substrate species liquid supply frequency nutrient solution greenhouse cucumbers cucumber growth principal component analysis
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