
社会距离视角下集体心理所有权对团队突破性创造力的影响研究 被引量:1

Research on the Influence of Collective Psychological Ownership on Team Radical Creativity from a Social Distance Perspective
摘要 突破性创新是提升企业竞争力的关键要素。由于突破性创新的首要条件是产生团队突破性创造力,因此探究团队突破性创造力的驱动因素尤为关键。本文基于社会距离理论,构建了一个集体心理所有权影响团队突破性创造力的理论模型。通过检验集体心理所有权作用于团队突破性创造力的内部机制,本文不仅厘清了团队突破性创造力的驱动和抑制因素,还探索了组织如何进行目标干预以提升团队突破性创造力的路径。研究发现,在团队内部集体心理所有权会促进社会互动,但在团队外部则会因为领地行为而减弱团队间网络联结。路径分析发现,集体心理所有权同时通过团队内社会互动促进团队突破性创造力,以及通过团队间领地行为和网络联结抑制团队突破性创造力。此外,组织目标清晰度会通过减少团队间领地行为和增强外部联结,积极影响团队突破性创造力。本文结合团队内外两种视角,拓展了集体心理所有权研究,揭示了集体心理所有权对团队突破性创造力的“双刃剑”效应。同时,本文还证实了组织目标清晰度对团队间领地行为的抑制效应,为组织推动集体心理所有权发挥正向作用提供决策依据。 Radical creativity provides unique value for organizations in a competitive environment. It helps enterprises break through competitors’ conventional technological blockade, contributing to sustained development and prosperity. In practice,organizations often rely on teams as an interactive system for creative activities. The characteristics of the working environment in the team,such as task dependency,technical diversity,and team autonomy,are conducive to the cultivation of the collective psychological ownership of the team and make collective psychological ownership become a pervasive phenomenon in the team. This kind of group cognition will produce different interaction patterns inside and outside the group,that is,inwardly intimate and outwardly alienated,thus affecting the integration of diverse information in a team. As the essence of creativity lies in the integration of different concepts to produce new ideas and thus relies on the integration of diverse information,collective psychological ownership may contribute to the team’s radical creativity. However,we still know little about the relationship between collective psychological ownership and team radical creativity.Drawing from the social distance theory,this study proposes and examines a model of how,why,and when collective psychological ownership impacts team radical creativity. In particular,we theorize that collective psychological ownership has both positive and negative effects on team radical creativity.On the one hand,collective psychological ownership can increase intra-team social interaction,which in turn enhances team radical creativity. On the other hand,collective psychological ownership also will foster inter-team territorial behavior,which reduces inter-team connection and team radical creativity.Moreover,we also theorize that organizational goal clarity can strengthen the positive effect of collective psychological ownership on intra-team social interaction and buffer the negative effect of collective psychological ownership on inter-team territorial behavior.To test our hypotheses,we conducted a field study collecting data from multi-source(team members and team leaders)and multi-time(two-time points). The results of path analyses largely supported our hypotheses. In particular,we have found that collective psychological ownership can promote intra-team social interaction while reducing the inter-team network connection because of territorial behavior,which brings both positive and negative impacts on team radical creativity. In addition,we have found that organizational goal clarity can buffer the negative effect of collective psychological ownership on inter-team territorial behavior,which moderates the indirect effects of collective psychological ownership on team radical creativity via inter-team territorial behavior and inter-team connection.This study has important theoretical contributions. First,it broadens the research of psychological ownership and radical creativity by examining the relationship between collective psychological ownership and radical creativity at a team level. Second,this study examines the underlying mechanism between collective psychological ownership and team radical creativity, which explains why collective psychological ownership can exert both positive and negative effects on team radical creativity. Finally,this study also contributes to the goal clarity literature by presenting that organizational goal clarity could buffer the negative effect of collective psychological ownership on inter-team territorial behavior,which can help a team build a good relationship with other teams and promote the team’s radical creativity.
作者 刘智强 卫利华 周空 廖书迪 LIU Zhi-qiang;WEI Li-hua;ZHOU Kong;LIAO Shu-di(School of Management,Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Economics&Management,Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Business School,Hubei University)
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期166-184,共19页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目“基于跨界共享的组织竞合与突破性创新机制研究”(批准号71832004) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“从想法产生到实施:团队绩效薪酬对团队创新的影响机制研究”(批准号72202096) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“我国高校0到1基础研究与基础创新战略研究”(批准号21JZD056)。
关键词 集体心理所有权 组织目标清晰度 团队突破性创造力 社会距离 collective psychology ownership organizational goal clarity team radical creativity social distance
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