

A Research on the Rural Transformation Development from the Perspective of Social-Ecosystem Adaptability:Taking Jiaju Tibetan Village in Danba County as an Example
摘要 乡村转型发展研究对于厘清乡村发展规律、系统认识乡村发展阶段和演化过程、促进乡村可持续发展与乡村振兴具有重要意义。社会—生态系统适应性理论为乡村转型发展研究提供了一个新的视角,本文选取川西高原典型民族旅游村寨为案例区,通过问卷调查获取数据,借鉴SESs适应性理论和体制转换理论,从乡村社区和微观农户两个尺度分析基于政策和旅游扰动下的乡村适应演化过程和农户生计变迁及适应效果。研究表明:(1)在多因素干扰下,从1998年至2018年甲居藏寨乡村社会—生态系统发生明显转换,呈现“采掘工业体制—民族村寨旅游体制初期—民族村寨旅游体制后期”的适应演化路径,随着系统体制的转换,农户的生计方式发生显著变迁,并呈现多元化组合模式;(2)在乡村社会—生态系统的适应演化与转型发展过程中,农户系统体制发生转换与调整,根据农户生计策略的变迁特征,在相同因素的扰动下甲居藏寨农户适应行为与适应能力呈现显著差异,具体演化为四种类型,即民居旅游接待主导型、混合兼业型、工农复合型与传统农业主导型;(3)不同适应行为农户的适应能力呈现显著差异,旅游生计型农户的适应效果较高,其适应能力等级较高,农户系统体制发生转换,而传统生计型农户的适应能力则较低,农户系统体制未实现彻底的转换。 The study of rural transformation development is of great significance to clarify the law of rural development,systematically understand the stage and evolutionary process of rural development,and promote rural sustainable development and rural revitalization.The theory of socio-ecological system adaptation provides a new perspective for the study of rural transformation development.We select a typical ethnic tourism village in western Sichuan as a case area.The research data were collected through a questionnaire.Based on SESs adaptation theory and regime shift theory,this research analyzes the evolution process of rural adaptation,livelihood change and adaptation effect of rural households disturbed by policies and tourism at the scale of rural communities and micro-farmers.Under the influence of multiple factors,the socio-ecological system of Jiaju Tibetan Village has changed significantly from 1998 to 2018.It has experienced three phases:extractive industry system,early stage of ethnic village tourism system and late stage of ethnic village tourism system.With the transformation of system,the livelihood style of farmers have changed significantly and presented a diversified combination pattern.In the process of adaptation evolution and transformation development of rural society-ecosystem,the peasant household system has been transformed and adjusted.According to the changing characteristics of farmers’livelihood strategies,there are significant differences in the adaptive behavior and adaptive ability in Jiaju Tibetan Village,which can be divided into four types:residential tourism reception-oriented type,mixed-business type,industrial-agricultural compound type and traditional agriculture-oriented type.The adaptability of farmers with different adaptive behaviors is significantly different.Farmers of tourism livelihood have higher level of adaptability,and the peasant household system has shifted.However,the traditional livelihood farmers have low level of adaptability and the peasant household system has not realized thorough transformation.
作者 贺爱琳 王晓 He Ai-lin;Wang Xiao(Sichuan Minzu College,Kangding,Sichuan 626001,China)
机构地区 四川民族学院
出处 《四川民族学院学报》 2022年第6期85-93,共9页 Journal of Sichuan Minzu College
基金 四川民族学院2018年度自办科研项目“乡村旅游背景下甘孜藏区农户生计模式变迁研究”(YZB18041SB)。
关键词 社会—生态系统 农户生计 适应性 乡村转型 甲居藏寨 social-ecological systems livelihood of famers adaptation rural transformation Jiaju Tibetan Village
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