
中国在联合国机构的国际角色:一种自我与他者视角 被引量:6

China’s International Role in UN Agencies:A Perspective of Self-Others
摘要 自我与他者视角下的中国国际角色既有共识也有差异。在自我视角下,中国国际角色为支持维护国际秩序、践行多边主义、积极贡献、负责任的发展中国家。在联合国、联合国粮农组织、世界卫生组织、联合国教科文组织和世界银行等联合国机构的他者视角下,中国作为支持维护者的角色获得普遍认同,但关于贡献者、发展中国家、多边主义践行者以及负责任国家的角色评价相对于自我认知还存在程度和内涵上的差异。中国特色大国外交的全面推进日益强调要树立正确的角色观,在自我与他者互动中把握世界大势、发挥积极作用,为此,中国可在角色概念、内涵和支撑性行动等方面同联合国机构进一步磨合,提升国际角色塑造成效。 China’s international roles are perceived differently by China itself and by the international society,but the“self-perspective”and“o ther’s perspective”also share important commonalities.From the“self-perspective,”China defines its international roles mainly as a defender of the current international order,a partitioner of multilateralism,an active contributor,and a responsible developing country.From“the other’s perspective,”international agencies such as the United Nations,FAO,WHO,UNESCO,and the World Bank recognize China as a supporter of international order,but not necessarily as an emerging contributor,a champion of multilateralism,or a responsible developing country,as understood and defined by China.To advance major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in full-fledged efforts,China will need to adopt the right approach to assess its international roles,understand global trends,and make positive contributions.Therefore,China can make further efforts to interact with UN agencies,promote mutual understandings regarding China’s international roles,and work in tandem with international agencies to strengthen its international roles more effectively.
作者 宗华伟 谢喆平 Zong Huawei;Xie Zheping
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期52-75,M0004,M0005,共26页 The Journal of International Studies
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  • 1Kenneth Waltz, The Theory of International Politics, pp. 97-101.
  • 2Louis Wirth, "Types of Nationalism", The American Journal of Sociology, vol. 41, no. 6 (May, 1936),p, 723.
  • 3Peter Harris, "Chinese Nationalism: The State of the Nation", The China Journal, no. 38 (July, 1997) ,p. 124.
  • 4H, A. Innis, "Nationalism", The American Economic Review, vol. 25, no. 1, Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Forty-seventh Meeting of the American Economic Association (Mar. , 1935), pp. 136-139.
  • 5Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism.
  • 6The three types of Habusburg nationalism, classical liberal nationalism, and diaspora nationalism in Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism.
  • 7Four types of nationalism as hegemony nationalism, particularistic nationalism, marginal nationalism, and the nationalism of minorities in Louis Wirth, "Types of Nationalism",pp. 723-737.
  • 8Kenneth Waltz, The Theory of International Politics, Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 1979,pp. 88-93.
  • 9Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, London: Macmillan, 1977, pp.9-10.
  • 10Barry Buzan, "From International System to International Society: Structural Realism and Regime Theory Meet the English School", International Organization, vol. 47, no. 3 (Summer, 1993), p. 332.












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