

Numerical simulation analyses of damage and vibration response of a nuclear power plant under aircraft impact
摘要 9·11事件后,商用飞机撞击成为核岛厂房必须考虑的超设计基准事故。为探讨合理可靠的数值仿真方法以准确评估核岛厂房在商用飞机撞击下的损伤破坏和振动响应,首先对1∶15缩尺飞机撞击核岛厂房模型试验进行数值模拟。通过对比试验中厂房结构的损伤破坏以及不同标高位置的加速度时程,验证了所采用的材料模型与参数,以及数值仿真方法的准确性。进一步建立了精细化的AP1000原型核岛厂房有限元模型,开展了A320飞机以100 m/s的速度撞击反应堆厂房环吊梁标高位置的数值模拟,评估了厂房的损伤破坏和环吊梁的振动响应。结果表明:在该研究的工况中,商用飞机撞击反应堆厂房将导致机身撞击区域发生贯穿破坏,但内部钢制安全壳可保持整体密封性;环吊梁振动低于限值,环吊不会发生跌落,反应堆安全性可以保证。 The impact of commercial aircraft became a beyond design basis accident that must be considered for nuclear power plants after 9/11 incident. Aiming to explore a reasonable and reliable numerical simulation method to accurately evaluate the damage and vibration responses of a nuclear power plant under the impact of a commercial aircraft, firstly, the 1∶15 scaled model test of aircraft impacting the nuclear power plant was simulated. The accuracy of the adopted material model and parameters as well as the numerical simulation method was verified by comparing with the damage of the plant structures and the acceleration-time histories of the plant at different elevations in the test. A refined finite element model of the prototype AP1000 nuclear power plant was further developed, numerical simulation of A320 aircraft at 100 m/s impacting the AP1000 reactor building at the crane girder elevation was performed, and the damage of the plant and the vibration responses of the crane girder were evaluated. Results show that, in the present scenario, the impact of commercial aircraft on the reactor building will lead to the perforation in the fuselage impact region, while the internal steel containment vessel can maintain its overall tightness;the vibrations of crane girder are below the limit, the crane will not drop, the safety of reactor is guaranteed.
作者 杨燕红 吴昊 方秦 YANG Yanhong;WU Hao;FANG Qin(College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;College of National Defense Engineering,PLA Army Engineering University,Nanjing 210007,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期312-324,共13页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金(51878507)。
关键词 核岛厂房 商用飞机 撞击 损伤破坏 振动响应 nuclear power plant commercial aircraft impact damage and failure vibration response
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