

The Influence of Exclusion Experience and Social Distance on Prosocial Decision-making in Economic Games
摘要 目的:探讨先被排斥后被接纳与先被接纳后被排斥的复杂排斥经历如何影响个体对排斥源的亲社会决策,同时考察排斥源与受排斥者的社会距离对受排斥者亲社会决策的影响。方法:采用网络掷球范式操纵社会排斥,通过独裁者博弈任务和投资博弈游戏分别测量利他决策和信任决策。结果:实验1发现相比于先被接纳后被排斥,先被排斥后被接纳使个体做出更多的亲社会决策。实验2验证了实验1结果,并进一步发现无论是何种排斥经历,相比于社会距离较远排斥源,个体会对社会距离较近排斥源做出更多的亲社会决策。结论:排斥后的被接纳经历具有缓解排斥破坏性的作用,也验证了即使在复杂排斥情境中,亲密他人的重要性仍然高于陌生人。 Objective: To explore how the complex exclusion experience of being excluded before being accepted and being accepted before being excluded affect the prosocial decision-making of individuals on the exclusion source, and to investigate the influence of the social distance between the exclusion source and the excluded on the prosocial decision-making of the excluded. Methods: The Cyberball was used to manipulate social exclusion. In Experiment 1, altruistic decision was measured by Dictator game, and in Experiment 2, trust decision was measured by Trust game. Results: Experiment 1found that compared with being accepted first and then excluded, being excluded first and then accepted lead individuals made more prosocial decisions. Experiment 2 verified the results of Experiment 1, and further found that no matter what kind of exclusion experience, individuals made more prosocial decisions about friends than strangers. Conclusion: The acceptance experience after exclusion can alleviate the destructive consequences of exclusion, and it also verifies that friends are still more important than strangers even in complex exclusion situations.
作者 杨晓莉 张婷婷 邹妍 王芳 YANG Xiao-li;ZHANG Ting-ting;ZOU Yan;WANG Fang(School of Psychology,Northwest Normal University,Key Laboratory of Behavioral and Mental Health of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730070,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology,School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期26-32,共7页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(17JZD043) 甘肃省软科学项目(20CX9ZA039) 西北师大青年教师科研能力提升计划重点项目的资助。
关键词 复杂排斥经历 社会距离 利他决策 信任决策 Complex exclusion experience Social distance Altruistic decision Trust decision
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