
低碳消费者行为转移影响因素研究——基于推拉锚定模型 被引量:1

A Research on the Factors Influencing Low-carbon Consumer Behavioral Transfer:Based on a Push-pull-mooring Model
摘要 引导消费者的传统消费方式向低碳消费转移,激发绿色低碳产品市场需求,对促进低碳经济发展具有重要意义。以推拉锚定模型作为研究框架,引入环境问题感知、经济成本、替代吸引力、低碳消费政策、行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制、转移意愿和低碳消费行为9个研究变量,利用结构方程模型研究消费者的传统消费行为向低碳消费转移的影响因素以及各因素间的关系。研究结果表明,消费者环境问题感知、低碳产品替代吸引力、低碳消费政策、消费者行为态度和感知行为控制对消费者低碳消费转移意愿和行为存在显著影响。因此,政府及相关决策者可通过培养低碳消费意识、提升低碳消费吸引力、积极引导低碳消费、营造良好的低碳消费环境等举措推进低碳消费。 Guiding consumers’ traditional consumption patterns to shift to low-carbon consumption and stimulating market demand for green and low-carbon products are of great significance in promoting the development of a lowcarbon economy.Using a push-pull-mooring model as the research framework,nine research variables as perceived environmental problems,economic costs,alternative attractiveness,low-carbon consumption policy,behavioral attitudes,subjective norms,perceived behavioral control,willingness to shift and low-carbon consumption behavior are introduced to investigate the factors influencing the shift of consumers traditional consumption behavior to lowcarbon consumption and study the relationship amongst all these factors,using structural equation modelling.The findings show that consumers’ perceptions of environmental problems,the attractiveness of low-carbon product substitution,low-carbon consumption policies,consumer attitudes and perceived behavioral control have significant effects on consumers’ willingness to shift to low-carbon consumption and behavior.Therefore,the government and relevant policy makers can promote low-carbon consumption by cultivating awareness of low-carbon consumption,enhancing the attractiveness of low-carbon consumption,actively guiding low-carbon consumption and creating a favorable low-carbon consumption environment.
作者 邵举平 储弋菲 匡圆圆 孙延安 SHAO Juping;CHU Yifei;KUANG Yuanyuan;SUN Yan'an(School of Business,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou Jiangsu 215009;Anwood Logistics System Co.Ltd,Suzhou Jiangsu 215021)
出处 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期30-36,106,107,共9页 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“我国低碳供应链发展的市场动力机制及评估研究”(19BGL097)。
关键词 低碳供应链 消费行为转移 推拉锚定模型 结构方程模型 Low-carbon supply chain consumers’behavioral shift push-pull-mooring model structural equation modelling
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