

Research on Optimization Method of Post-earthquake Repair Path for Urban Complex based on Functional Demand Orientation
摘要 城市综合体内部功能繁多,强震作用下综合体结构功能失效会影响城市区域功能的正常运转。建筑震后修复期望综合体内部重要功能优先、快速恢复并投入使用,合理规划其震后修复路径是满足此类结构功能需求的关键。既有研究中建筑震后多采取自下而上的修复路径,未考虑震后功能需求。基于此,提出了一种基于功能需求导向的城市综合体震后修复路径优化方法。考虑综合体具有的多功能特性及不同功能区内构件间的功能相关性特点,建立了基于故障树的功能损失分析模型,并以此为基础结合建筑功能区划分功能修复单元;以各功能的期望修复时间作为功能需求目标,对比功能修复单元的实际修复时间,提出功能需求目标完成率指标;在此基础上建立震后修复路径优化模型,结合遗传算法,形成了综合体震后修复路径优化方法。对某城市综合体开展震后修复路径优化,结果表明:所提方法可高效完成功能需求目标,使重要功能震后快速恢复并投入使用。 The internal functions of the urban complex are various,and the failure of the complex structure under strong earthquakes will affect the normal operation of the urban regional function.The post-earthquake repair of buildings expects important functions inside the urban complex to be quickly restored and put into use.Reasonable planning of post-earthquake repair paths for the urban complex is the key to meeting the functional demands of such structures.In the existing research,most of the buildings adopted the post-earthquake repair path from bottom to top,without considering the postearthquake functional demands.Based on this,a post-earthquake repair path optimization method for urban complex based on functional demand orientation is proposed.Considering the multi-functional characteristics of the urban complex and the functional correlation between components in different functional areas,a functional loss analysis model based on a fault tree is established,and based on this model,the functional repair units are divided according to the functional areas of the building.Taking the expected repair time of each function as the function demand target,and comparing the actual repair time of the function repair unit,the completion rate index of the function demand target is put forward.On this basis,the post-earthquake repair path optimization model is established,and the postearthquake repair path optimization method of the urban complex is formed by adopting the genetic algorithm.The post-earthquake repair path optimization of an urban complex is carried out,and the results show that the proposed method can efficiently achieve the functional demand and make the important functions recover quickly and put into use after the earthquake.
作者 黄鹏超 余丁浩 李钢 董志骞 王睿 张晗 HUANG Pengchao;YU Dinghao;LI Gang;DONG Zhiqian;WANG Rui;ZHANG Han(State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
出处 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1130-1143,共14页 Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(52038002,52008075) 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”项目(XLYC1902043) 中央高校基本科研业务费(DUT22RC(3)038)资助。
关键词 城市综合体 修复路径 功能需求导向 优化方法 功能相关性 urban complex repair path function demand orientation optimization method functional correlation
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