

On the Influence of bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod on ZhiYuanlu in Yuan Dynasty
摘要 众所周知,元代大藏经目录《至元法宝勘同总录》是汉藏文化交流的历史丰碑。文章深入比较《至元法宝勘同总录》与元代著名目录学家炯丹热智所著《广法庄严日光目录》,归纳出《至元法宝勘同总录》的特点。即《至元法宝勘同总录》与历代汉文藏经最大的不同点在于其载有经题的梵音以及增加了蕃本对勘的内容,其独特的编排吸收了汉、藏两种佛经目录的著录方法,是汉藏佛经目录相互补充和借鉴的典范。首先,运用历史考据的办法探究炯丹热智所著《广法庄严日光》的编纂时间、历史背景、编纂缘由等问题,从而明确提出了《广法庄严日光目录》前与《至元法宝勘同总录》后的编纂顺序,且后者受到前者的影响。其次,结合《至元法宝勘同总录》引言部分信息,较为详细的探讨了《至元法宝勘同总录》编纂者中的“湛阳宜思”与“叶辇国师”指炯丹热智弟子琼江贝央。另外,《至元法宝勘同总录》的绪论中明确说明了“以蕃汉本参对”情况,并且两个目录都收录了吐蕃时期目录未保存的七部无上瑜伽续相关的典籍,由此可见,炯氏目录对《至元法宝勘同总录》的影响是不言而喻。最后,认为《广法庄严日光》对《至元法宝勘同总录》的多重影响可视为各民族交往交流交融的历史事实之实证材料。 As we all know,the catalog of the Tripitaka of the Yuan Dynasty,the ZhiYuanLu,is a historical monument to the cultural exchange between Hans and Tibetans.This paper mainly uses the comparative research method to compare the ZhiYuanLu with the bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod written by bCom-lDan Ral-Gri,a famous bibliographer during the Yuan Dynasty,so as to summarize the characteristics of the ZhiYuanLu.That is to say,the biggest difference between the ancient Chinese and Tibetan scriptures lies in the Sanskrit sound containing the sutra title and the addition of the content of the Tibetan version of the survey.Moreover,its unique arrangement has absorbed the description methods of the Han and Tibetan Buddhist sutras,which is a model of mutual supplement and reference of the Han and Tibetan Buddhist sutras.First of all,using the method of historical textual research,we tracked and explored the compilation time,historical background and compilation reason of bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod written by bCom-lDan Ral-Gri,thus clearly put forward that bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod and ZhiYuanLu were compiled successively and the latter was influenced by the former.Secondly,in combination with the introduction of the ZhiYuanLu,the compilers known as“Zhanyang Yisi”and“Yenian Guoshi”of the ZhiYuanLu were bCom-lDan Ral-Gri’s disciple mChims-vJam-Pai-dByangs.In addition,the introduction of the ZhiYuanLu and General Catalogue clearly states that the Tibetan Chinese version is used for reference.It can be seen that bCom-lDan Ral-Gri’s catalogue has an obvious impact on the ZhiYuanLu and General Catalogue.Finally,the article believes that the research on the multiple impacts of bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod on the Catalogue can be regarded as the empirical material for in-depth excavation,sorting out and publicity of the historical facts of the interaction,exchange and integration of various ethnic groups in Tibet since ancient times,and it is also the case study result that Tibetan classics and culture play an important role in the formation of the pattern of pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation.
作者 交巴草 gCod-Pa-mTsho(Tibetan,from Xiahe,Gansu Province.Doctor of Literature,teacher at Aba Teachers University)
机构地区 阿坝师范学院
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第4期57-66,共10页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
关键词 元代 《广法庄严日光》 《至元法宝勘同总目》 影响 Yuan Dynasty bsTan-Pa-rGyas-Pa-rGyan-Gyi-Nyi-Vod ZhiYuanLu influence
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