

A Brief Analysis on the Development, Classification and Characteristics of Tibetan Contemporary Prose
摘要 一般认为,藏族当代散文创作始于改革开放之后,至今有40余年的发展历程。20世纪80年代开始,涉藏地区先后创办了《西藏文艺》和《章恰尔》等文艺期刊,为藏族当代文学创作提供了平台。藏族文艺事业发展的同时,也出现了很多问题,其中各文体之间创作、研究不均衡现象尤为突出。相比小说和诗歌而言,无论是创作还是研究,藏族当代散文领域的发展显得相对滞后,尤其对藏族当代散文发展的历史、分类及特点等方面的整体思考与研究甚少。基于此,对藏族当代散文的发展演变及艺术特点方面做了充分的学理分析与研究。运用词源学方法探讨了“散文”这一术语在藏文文论中出现的时间、文化背景、内涵演变以及藏汉文论中对“散文”概念的理解和认识上的差异;运用比较法和归纳法,结合藏族散文创作实际,将藏族当代散文分为艺术性散文和一般性散文。艺术性散文又按其内容和表达方式分为叙事散文、抒情散文、文化散文、哲理散文和生态散文,并指出该类散文具有形散神聚、意境深邃、语言凝练、富于文采的特点;一般性散文又分为政治类散文和非政治类散文,具有真实性、严肃性、客观性和充满理性的特点。 The Tibetan contemporary literature has come into existence after the reform and opening up policy,many journals have been initiated since 1980s,this has provided a fertile land for the development of Tibetan modern literature.The Tibetan modern literature is divided into novel,poetry,drama,and prose as the world classification of literature goes.Even though there were many writing works came up during the period of the reform and opening up policy,but there were few papers which discussed and analyzed the situation,feature and the development of Tibetan literature.Therefore,in this paper,I based on many works of prose during forty years,taking the literary theory of other nationalities as an example,and apply the method of etymology and synthesis,I found there was no word so called“lhug-rTsom”in Tibetan in early times,instead it was called“lhug-Pa”.The word“lhug-rTsom”is the combination of“Lhug”and“rTsom”,which came from ancient Tibetan literature in 1980s.The Tibetan contemporary prose can be divided into two classifications such as the artistic prose and the normal prose,the content of artistic prose has the feature of a detailed narrative and cultural flavor,rich in how and whys,and crying in nature.It is simple but full of beauty,solemn in languages.The content of normal prose is also can be divide into two classifications as there are political novel and non-political novel,it has the feature of recording the actual event,a detailed description,and also requires the Tibetan authors’responsiblity for the people and society as the literature requires all the time.
作者 万玛项千 Pad-Ma-dBang-Chen(Qinghai Jianzha,works at Qinghai Nationalities)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第4期121-143,共23页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
关键词 藏族当代散文 发展 分类 特征 Tibetan contemporary prose development classification characteristics








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