

Close to the People with Morality and Pacify the People with Ability:On the Holy King’s Personality in the Thought of Confucian and Mohist Gentlemen in the Pre-Qin Period
摘要 先秦儒墨两家都主张人格修养,倡导养成君子人格。虽然侧重各有不同,主仁爱的儒家崇德,尚功利的墨家重能,但两家的君子人格修养都包含德与能的要求。在寻求自家君子人格理想参照的过程中,先秦儒墨两家都自觉地选择了尧、舜、禹、商汤、周文王和周武王,称颂他们的人格为圣王人格。本文梳理先秦儒墨典籍中的圣王人格记载,透过华美的赞颂文辞,剔除其中的神异色彩,探析出圣王人格中的共性——对民亲之以德,安之以能。先秦儒墨两家通过颂扬圣王人格的德与能,既希望周王和诸侯能怀爱民安民的圣王人格,又试图培养能够爱民安民的入仕君子,借此实现自家构想的圣王政治。 Both the Confucian and Mohist in the pre-Qin Dynasty advocated the cultivation of personality and advocated the cultivation of the personality of gentlemen.Although the emphasis is different,benevolent Confucianism worships virtue,and utilitarian Mohist emphasizes ability,but the personality cultivation of gentlemen of the two families includes the requirements of virtue and ability.In the process of seeking the ideal reference for the personality of their own gentlemen,the pre-Qin Confucian and Mohist consciously chose Yao,Shun,Yu,Shang Tang,Zhou Wen Wang,and Zhou Wu Wang,and praised their personality as the personality of the Holy King.Sorting out the records of the Holy King’s personality in the pre-Qin Confucian and Mohist classics,through the gorgeous praises,weed out the magical color in it,and can explore the commonness of the Holy King’s personality—Unify the People with morality and comfort people with ability.The pre-Qin Confucianism and Mohist thoughts extol the virtues and abilities of the Holy King’s personality,not only hope that the kings of Zhou and the princes will cherish the Holy King personality of loving the people and comforting the people,but also try to cultivate gentlemen who can love the people and comfort the people,so as to realize their own concept of Holy King politics.
作者 李明晨 Li Mingchen(School of Food Science and Technology,Wuhan Business College;Wuhan Vegetarian Institute,Wuhan Business College)
出处 《文化发展论丛》 2022年第1期1-22,共22页 Culture Development Review
关键词 圣王 人格 德与能 先秦 儒家 墨家 Holy King Personality Morality and Ability Pre-Qin the Confucianists the Mohist
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