
以学生发展为中心的土木工程专业教育模式探索——以澳大利亚高校实践为例 被引量:1

Exploring the student-centered civil engineering education model:Taking practices in Australian universities as examples
摘要 新工科理念的提出,加快了我国实现教育强国的进程,为高校土木工程专业教育改革与发展带来了新机遇和新思路。以学生发展为中心是新工科背景下工程专业人才教育改革工作重心之一。随着“一带一路”倡议推进,新工科背景下社会转型和经济发展亟须具有工程创新能力、实践能力和国际视野的新型土木工程技术人才。将科研与实践并重作为土木工程专业教育宗旨的澳大利亚高校,形成了其课程设置灵活、充分尊重学生的教育特色,可为我国土木工程教育提供借鉴。通过描述和分析国际教育环境下澳大利亚高校土木工程教育发展现状,揭示了澳大利亚高校土木工程专业本科教育通识化程度高,课程内容全面灵活,注重理论与实践相结合和学生独立创新能力培养等优势,提出了我国土木工程专业教育需处理好教育通识性与专业性的关系;重视全面提高学生能力和学生体验;提高课程精品化与专业化程度;促进学科教育全面发展等建议,以为我国高校土木工程专业教育注入新活力。 The proposing of the concept of emerging engineering education has accelerated the process of realizing a strong education country in China,and has also brought new opportunities and new development mindsets for the education reform and development of civil engineering majors in universities.Student-centredness is one of the main focuses of the reform of engineering education in the context of emerging engineering education.With the promotion of the national“Belt and Road”initiative,social transformation and economic development in the context of emerging engineering education are in urgent need of new civil engineering technical talents with engineering innovation,practical ability,and international vision.With the emphasis on research and practice as the aim of civil engineering education,Australia has established a flexible curriculum and showed respect for students,which provides a model for civil engineering education in China.By describing the current development of civil engineering education in Australia under the changing international context,this paper reveals that,undergraduate education of civil engineering in Australian universities is highly general,the curriculum content is comprehensive and flexible,emphasis is put on the integration of theory and practice and the cultivation of students’independent and innovative abilities.This paper proposes that China’s civil engineering professional education should deal with the relationship between education generalism and professionalism,pay more attention to the positive experience of students,and improve students’comprehensive abilities.Meanwhile,it is of great necessity to improve the quality and specialization of courses to promote the comprehensive development of discipline education,so as to inject new vitality into the civil engineering education in China.
作者 杨柳依依 徐卓君 杨晓华 YANG Liuyiyi;XU Zhuojun;YANG Xiaohua(School of Civil Engineering,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412000,Hunan,P.R.China)
出处 《高等建筑教育》 2023年第1期121-126,共6页 Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
基金 湖南省教育厅一般项目“‘三高四新’战略背景下湖南PPP项目运维绩效提升研究”(21C0438) 2022—2023年湖南工业大学本科课程考核方式改革项目(湖工大教字[2022]15号107) 2022年湖南工业大学教学改革研究项目(2022YB08)。
关键词 学生发展 土木工程 澳大利亚 实践性 课程结构 student development civil engineering Australia practicability curriculum structure
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