
四川省VOCs综合治理重点工程机械制造企业现状分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Present Situation of VOCs Comprehensive Management Focus-construction Machinery Manufacturing Enterprises in Sichuan Province
摘要 主要针对纳入四川省挥发性有机物综合治理重点的工程机械制造行业治理现状进行研究。挥发性有机物是臭氧破坏的主要来源,也是工程机械制造行业排放的主要污染物之一。对纳入综合治理重点的41家工程机械制造企业挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放现状进行了现场调研、数据收集和分析。调研和分析结果显示:采用改进生产工艺或末端治理控制VOCs排放的企业占51.2%,2018~2020年使用低(无)VOCs清洁原辅材料替代在37.99%~47.41%。对存在的问题进行研究分析,提出意见建议。为四川省挥发性有机物综合治理以及打赢蓝天保卫战提供技术支撑。 This paper mainly focuses on the research on the governance status of construction machinery manufacturing industry, which is included in the comprehensive governance of volatile organic compounds in Sichuan Province.Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are the main sources of ozone destruction and one of the main pollutants emitted by construction machinery manufacturing industry.The emission status of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in 41 construction machinery manufacturing enterprises that are included in the comprehensive treatment focus were investigated, data collected and analyzed.The results of investigation and analysis showed that 51.2% enterprises adopt improved production process or end treatment to control VOCs emissions, and 37.99%~47.41% enterprises use low(no) VOCs clean raw and auxiliary materials in 2018~2020. The existing problems were anayzed, and suggestions were proposed. Provide technical support for comprehensive treatment of volatile organic compounds in Sichuan Province and winning the blue sky defense war.
作者 马伯熙 蒲灵 田犀 张亚会 谢文婷 MA Bo-xi;PU Ling;TIAN Xi;ZHANG Ya-hui;XIE Wen-ting(Sichuan Province Academy of Industrial Environmental Monitoring,Chengdu 610046,China)
出处 《四川环境》 2023年第1期109-113,共5页 Sichuan Environment
关键词 挥发性有机物 综合治理重点 工程机械制造 现状 分析 Volatile organic compound comprehensive management focus engineering machinery manufacturing status analysis
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