
北欧国家福利制度困境、演变趋势及其对我国实现共同富裕的启示 被引量:5

The Dilemma and Evolution Trend of the Welfare System in the Nordic Countries and Its Enlightenment to China’s Common Prosperity
摘要 北欧国家是世界公认的收入差距最小、福利水平最高、富裕程度名列全球前列的国家。北欧福利国家模式对于我国实现共同富裕有一定的借鉴价值和启示作用,但我们要清醒地认识到,我国的国情与北欧国家的国情有着巨大的差别,我国共同富裕之路与福利国家富裕之路存在本质区别,我们不能简单地套用北欧福利国家的一些制度安排和做法。在推进共同富裕实现的进程中,要防止出现以下几种倾向:一是社会福利标准过高,导致出现“吃大锅饭”问题,降低整体经济效率;二是社会福利支出增长过快,超出财政负担能力;三是大幅度提高工资,急剧增加企业成本;四是所得税率过高,打击劳动积极性和投资信心;五是对富人征税过于严苛,导致大量资本外逃。我们要充分发挥社会主义制度优势,坚持以人民为中心的发展理念,坚持稳中求进、循序渐进,量力而行、尽力而为的原则,不断提高我国全体人民共同富裕的实现程度。 The Nordic countries are recognized as the countries with the smallest income gap,the highest welfare level and the highest level of wealth in the world.The Nordic welfare state model has certain reference value and enlightenment for China to achieve common prosperity.However,we should be soberly aware that there is a huge difference between China’s national conditions and those of Nordic countries.There is an essential difference between the road of common prosperity in China and that of welfare state.We can’t simply apply some institutional arrangements and practices of Nordic welfare states.In the process of promoting the realization of common prosperity,we should prevent the following tendencies:First,the social welfare standard is too high,which leads to the problem of“eating from the same big pot”and reduces the overall economic efficiency;Second,the social welfare expenditure grows too fast,exceeding the financial burden;Third,raise wages by a large margin and sharply increase the cost of enterprises;Fourth,the income tax rate is too high,which discourages labor enthusiasm and investment confidence;Fifth,taxing the rich is too strict,resulting in a large amount of capital flight.We should give full play to the advantages of the socialist system,adhere to the people-centered development concept,adhere to the principles of steady progress,step by step,and do what we can,and do our best to continuously improve the realization of common prosperity for all Chinese people.
作者 张建刚 王珺 ZHANG Jian-gang;WANG Jun(Institute of Marxism,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,100732;School of Marxism,China Academy of Social Sciences University,102488)
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期102-111,共10页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国特色社会主义基本经济制度与国家治理现代化研究”(编号:20ZDA014)的阶段性成果。
关键词 北欧国家福利制度 共同富裕 福利制度改革 福利主义陷阱 公有制经济 Nordic Welfare System Common Prosperity Welfare System Reform Welfare Trap Public Sector of the Economy
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