
白蚁、黏土与生态环境相互作用研究进展 被引量:2

Research Progress on the Interaction among Termites, Clay, and Ecological Environments
摘要 白蚁、黏土与生态环境三者之间存在复杂的相互作用,有较多研究关注高等白蚁(白蚁科)对黏土分布的影响及其生态学作用。一方面,黏土矿物是一些高等白蚁地理分布的限制性因素;另一方面,白蚁活动可以改变黏土矿物的分布和化学风化过程。在修筑蚁丘的过程中,高等白蚁将大量富含黏土的深层土搬运至地表,使得蚁丘更加坚固。同时,黏土的吸水性和保水性能够维持蚁丘内部湿润、恒温的微生境,从而保障白蚁共生真菌的生长。这些黏土通过雨水冲刷重新进入地下,可促进土壤颗粒循环,提高蚁丘及周围土壤的肥力和保水性,为植被的生长和动物群落的发展创造有利环境。在热带地区干旱和半干旱的环境中,富含黏土的白蚁丘可以提高生态系统的异质性和对干旱的耐受性,从而延缓全球气候变化带来的不利影响。在一些发展中国家,白蚁丘中的黏土还被用作建筑材料和作物栽培基质,并广泛的被非洲地区的妇女(尤其是孕期妇女)取食。最近的研究表明,鼻白蚁科的低等白蚁与黏土也存在复杂的相互作用。一些低等白蚁利用黏土修建泥线、泥被等生物结构,并搬运黏土以填充食物的缝隙和空洞。这些黏土不仅能提高食物湿度,促进低等白蚁取食木质纤维,还具有支撑食物的作用。此外,一些黏土矿物能引发低等白蚁的聚集行为,有望作为引诱材料,为有害白蚁的防治带来新的思路。 There are complicated interactions among termites, clay, and ecological environment. Many studies have focused on the impact of higher termites on clay distribution and their ecological role in recent decades. The clay mineralogy is a restriction factor for determining the geographical distribution of some higher termites in the family of Termitidae. Meanwhile, termite activities can change the distribution of clay particles and accelerate the weathering process of clay minerals. Some higher termites transport large amounts of clay from the deep layer of soil to the surface for constructing termite hills or mounds. Clay not only improves the structural robustness of the hill but also creates suitable microhabitats with moisture and near-constant temperature conditions that ensure the growth of termite symbiotic fungi. In addition, the clay relocated by termites can be washed into surrounding soil by rain and promote the circulation of soil particles, significantly improving soil fertility and water retention and thus creating a favorable environment for the growth of vegetation and the development of animal communities. In arid or semiarid areas in tropical regions, the termite mounds rich in clay can improve heterogeneity of ecosystems and drought resistance, thus helping ecosystems to confront the challenge of global climate changes. In some developing countries, the clay collected from termite hills can be used as construction materials and cultivation substrates. Also, high proportions of women(especially pregnant women) in rural areas of Africa widely eat the clay-enrich soil collected from termite mounds. Some latest studies have also showed interactions of clay and lower termites in the family of Rhinotermitidae. Some lower termites usually transport large amounts of clay to construct mud tubes or sheetings, or use clay to fill the voids of food. Clay induces feeding activities of these lower termites by moistening wood fibers as well as providing structural supports. In addition, some clay minerals trigger the aggregation behaviors of subterranean termite pests and can be used as bait attractants, providing new ideas for the control of harmful termites.
作者 靳正雅 钱沉鱼 杜澄举 马涛 温秀军 王偲 Jin Zhengya;Qian Chenyu;Du Chengju;Ma Tao;Wen Xiujun;Wang Cai(College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期143-150,共8页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31772515,31500530)。
关键词 黏土 白蚁 生态环境 白蚁丘 生物多样性 保水性 白蚁防治 clay termite ecological environment termite mound biodiversity water-retention property termite control
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