The pilot low-carbon city policy is an important measure for the Chinese government to meet the challenges of global climate change and achieve the goal of"double carbon".For reducing carbon emissions,it is necessary to focus not only on controlling the total amount,but also on the equity between regions.This paper clarifies the significance of evaluating the equitable carbon reduction effect of China’s pilot low-carbon city policy,focuses on industry,the main source of carbon emissions,and clarifies the theoretical mechanism for China’s pilot low-carbon city policy to achieve equitable carbon reduction.Using the city-level generalized Bonferroni curve,this paper measures the equitable level of industrial carbon emissions and economic development in Chinese cities.Further,using difference-in-differences(DID)method,empirically evaluates the effect of the pilot low-carbon city policy to achieve equitable carbon reduction in China and the relevant mechanism.The results show that:First,China’s pilot low-carbon city policy has effectively achieved equitable carbon reduction;Second,the pilot low-carbon city policy has achieved equitable carbon reduction mainly by improving industrial energy efficiency and green technology innovation;Third,eastern and central cities have better equitable carbon reduction effect than western cities,and pollution reduction environmental regulation will have a positive linear adjustment effect in the eastern region and a positive"U"-shaped adjustment effect in the central region.Finally,this paper puts forward policy recommendations such as maintaining weak incentives and weak constraints between the central and local governments,giving full play to the power of the market in factor allocation,focusing on the equity of carbon emission reduction policies,and strengthen the coordinated treatment of carbon emissions and air pollution.
Shi Xiuyi;Xu Yingzhi(School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing,211189,China)
Journal of Public Management