
共同富裕目标下综合乡村旅游开发的可持续生计效应——基于浙江省安吉县鲁家村的案例实证 被引量:7

Sustainable livelihood effect of integrated rural tourism development under the goal of common prosperity:Based on a case study of Lujia village,Anji county,Zhejiang province
摘要 实现全体人民共同富裕是中国式现代化的本质要求与重要特征。在新发展阶段,厘清共同富裕在不同地域、不同群体中的发展路径及实现机制具有重要意义。基于综合乡村旅游开发的可持续生计框架,以浙江省安吉县鲁家村为例,通过多元线性回归模型、灰色关联分析等方法,探索共同富裕目标下综合乡村旅游开发的可持续生计效应及优化路径。结果显示:(1)综合乡村旅游是促进乡村旅游地实现共同富裕的有效模式,网络、嵌入、内生、互补、增权等关键变量的发展能够为乡村旅游地带来持续的发展机会与向内的发展成果,促进乡村旅游发展效率与发展公平的有机统一。(2)鲁家村综合乡村旅游的互补性发展最为显著,增权次之,综合乡村旅游的可持续生计效应主要体现在网络、互补、增权等关键变量的发展对居民生计资本的影响上。(3)综合乡村旅游对不同类型居民的生计发展均存在显著影响,旅游主导、旅游参与型居民需要围绕社会网络关系展开生计优化行动;旅游专营型居民需要以个体能力发展、旅游者深度体验参与为基础确立生计优化方向;合作网络、增权、信息网络需要进一步向非旅游参与型居民拓展,以推动全体居民生计的共同优化与共同富裕。基于以上分析,进一步从网络、嵌入、内生、互补、增权等层面总结了乡村旅游地实现共同富裕的综合驱动机制与实践模式。 To realize the common prosperity of all the people is the essential requirement and important characteristic of Chinese modernization.Taking Lujia village in Anji county,Zhejiang province as an example,this study explores the sustainable livelihood effect of integrated rural tourism development under the goal of common prosperity based on multiple linear regression analysis and grey correlation analysis.The results show that:(1)Integrated rural tourism is an effective mode for rural tourist destinations to achieve common prosperity.The development of key variables such as embedding,endogenesis,complementarity,and empowerment can establish a stable cooperation network and information network between internal and external actors in rural areas,and promote the joint efforts of multiple subjects to develop the creative inheritance and innovative development of rural resources into tourism resources,and further act on the livelihood optimization and sustainable livelihood of community residents.(2)The complementary development of integrated rural tourism in Lujia village is the most significant,followed by empowerment.The sustainable livelihood effect of comprehensive rural tourism is mainly reflected in the impact of the development of key variables such as network,complementarity and empowerment on residents’livelihood capital.(3)Integrated rural tourism has a significant impact on the livelihood development of different types of residents.Tourism-led and tourism-participating residents need to carry out livelihood optimization actions based on social network relations.Tourism specialty residents need to establish the direction of livelihood optimization based on the development of individual ability and the in-depth experience and participation of tourists.The cooperation network,empowerment and information network need to be further expanded to non-tourism participating residents,so as to promote the optimization of livelihood development and common prosperity of all residents.Based on the above analysis,this study summarizes the practical mechanism of common prosperity of rural tourist destinations from three aspects:empowerment mechanism,complementary mechanism and comprehensive driving mechanism.
作者 李冬花 王咏 陆林 LI Dong-hua;WANG Yong;LU Lin(School of Geography and Tourism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,Anhui,China)
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期511-528,共18页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41930644)。
关键词 共同富裕 综合乡村旅游 可持续生计 生计资本 鲁家村 common prosperity integrated rural tourism sustainable livelihood livelihood capital Lujia village
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