
基于维筋相交理论探讨分期巨刺在中风偏瘫中的临床运用 被引量:3

Clinical Application of Staged Opposing Needling in Stroke Hemiplegia Based on Theory of Intersection of Collaterals Linking Sinews
摘要 中风偏瘫是中风后最常见的后遗症,主要表现为一侧肢体运动功能障碍,属中医“偏枯”“偏风”范畴,其病位及病理表现与维筋相交“伤左角,右足不用”的理论一脉相承。巨刺属古代九刺之一,通过“左病针右,右病针左”的操作方法调整机体气血阴阳,是维筋相交理论指导临床实践的一种特殊针法。维筋与肢体功能活动联系密切,对中风偏瘫的治疗意义重大。分期巨刺则是根据偏瘫早期、恢复期及后遗症期的不同临床表现,辨其经络及部位所采取以刺健侧为主的方法,针对患肢运动功能障碍方面疗效突出。本研究从维筋相交与中风偏瘫的关系出发,认为维筋受损是偏瘫的核心病机,治疗应首辨偏瘫分期,采用分期巨刺,早期调益元神,恢复期疏导经气,后遗症期温运阳气,进而达到平衡阴阳、通经养筋的目的。故基于维筋相交理论指导临床,以期为治疗中风偏瘫及传承巨刺疗法提供思路。 Stroke hemiplegia is the most common sequelae after stroke.It is mainly manifested as motor dysfunction on one side of the limb.It belongs to the category of‘partial flaccid and partial wind’in TCM.The location of the disease and manifestations are consistent with the theory of intersection of collaterals linking sinews,i.e.‘left corner damage causing right foot dysfunction’.Opposing needling is one of the nine ancient needling methods,which adjusts Qi,blood,Yin and Yang of body through the operation method of‘needling the right for the left diseases,and needling the left for the right diseases’.Opposing needling is one specific manipulation guiding clinical practice based on the theory of intersection of collaterals linking sinews.Intersection of collaterals linking sinews is closely related to the functional activities of limbs,and is of great significance to the treatment of stroke hemiplegia.Staged opposing needling is puncturing unaffected side of limb based on different clinical manifestations of hemiplegia in the early stage,the recovery stage and the sequelae stage and based on the meridian differentiation and disease location,which has achieved outstanding curative effect on motor dysfunction of affected limb.Starting from the relationship between the intersection of collaterals linking sinews and stroke hemiplegia,it is regarded that the damage of intersection of collaterals linking sinews is the core pathogenesis of hemiplegia.The treatment should first identify the stages of hemiplegia,use staged opposing needling,regulate original Shen and restore conducting meridian-Qi in the early stage;in the sequelae stage,warming Yang-Qi,balancing Yin and Yang,activating meridian and nourishing sinews are applied.Therefore,it is expected to provide ideas for the treatment of stroke hemiplegia and inheritance of opposing needling therapy based on the theory of intersection of collaterals linking sinews to guide the clinical practice.
作者 罗小英 李雨 羊璞 马桥林 毛玉璇 杨祎 惠建荣 LUO Xiaoying;LI Yu;YANG Pu;MA Qiaolin;MAO Yuxuan;YANG Yi;HUI Jianrong(Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712046,China;Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,China;Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050000,China;Baoji Central Hospital,Baoji 721000,China)
出处 《针灸临床杂志》 2023年第1期5-9,共5页 Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion
基金 陕西省科技厅科技计划项目,编号:2016JQ8020 国家基金培育项目,编号:2021GP21 陕西省中医药管理局科研项目,编号:LCPT103。
关键词 维筋相交 分期巨刺 中风 偏瘫 理论探析 Intersection of collaterals linking sinews Staged opposing needling Stroke Hemiplegia Theory exploration
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