

How Does Body Consciousness Lead to Natural Aesthetics?
摘要 由于身体总是被纳入周围的环境,其自我意识经常牵连出对自然的意识。然而,原初意义上的自然并非总是能显现于身体意识之中,身体审美也不是一定会通向自然审美(包括环境审美)。就其与自然的关系而言,人类身体的存在具有背反品格:既是自然物,又能有意识地自我创造。进而言之,只有当它进行自我创造时,它才不是一般的自然物而是人类身体。正因为如此,身体同时属于和超越自然。在揭示身体和自然的关系时,这种张力随时会出现于美学层面:肯定人类身体同时意味着敞开和遮蔽自然;否定人类身体的意义则会牵连出低估自然的审美倾向;当且仅当在肯定身体的同时消除身体意识中的人类中心论倾向,身体-环境的关系才会显现出其基本形貌,自然的审美价值才能获得恰当的评估。如果我们回顾完整的人类历史,身体意识通向自然审美的内在逻辑就会被揭示:肯定人类和其他生物都是具身性存在(embodied being)这个事实;承认所有具身性存在的主动性;强调所有具身性存在(尤其是植物、其他动物、人类)的审美价值。沿着这个线索前行,一种视域更加广阔的美学形态就会显现出其基本轮廓。从根本上说,回到其起源的身体审美通向自然审美,反之亦然。 As human body is always subsumed into its surroundings, its self-consciousness is often implicated in its consciousness of nature. However, nature in the original sense is not always manifested in body consciousness, and soma-aesthetics does not necessarily lead to natural aesthetics(including environmental aesthetics). As far as its relation to nature is concerned, the existence of the human body has the paradoxical character: it is both part of nature and the self-creating being. Furthermore, it is only when it creates itself that it is not an ordinary natural thing but a human body. Because of this, the human body belongs to and transcends nature at the same time. In revealing of the relationship between the human body and nature, this tension can appear at any time on the aesthetic level: affirming the human body simultaneously means the opening and shading of the nature;denying the meaning of the human body will lead to an aesthetic tendency to underestimate nature;if and only if the anthropocentric tendency in body consciousness is eliminated while affirming the body, the body-environment relationship will show its basic shape and the aesthetic value of nature can be properly evaluated. If we take a look back at the whole of human history, the internal logic of body consciousness leading to the aesthetics of nature can be revealed: the affirmation of the fact that human beings and other living creatures are all embodied beings;the initiative that recognizes all embodied beings;emphasizing the aesthetic value of all embodied beings(especially plants, other animals and humans). Following this clue, an aesthetic form with a wider view will emerge its basic outline. Fundamentally, the soma-esthetics that returns to its origin leads to the natural aesthetics and vice versa.
作者 王晓华 WANG Xiao-Hua(College of Humanities,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期1-9,共9页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
基金 2017年度国家社会科学基金项目“主体论美学视野中的西方身体艺术研究”(17BZW067)。
关键词 身体意识 环境 自然审美 body consciousness environment natural aesthetics
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