

A Case Study of the Improvement Effect of Sports Games on Children with Motor Delays
摘要 随着科技进步与生活方式的转变,儿童身体活动严重不足,致使其动作发育迟缓,这种现象日益增多。2021年国务院颁布的《全民健身计划(2021-2025年)》明确要求在公共场所配备适合儿童大动作发展和身体锻炼的公共体育设备设施,加强对儿童动作发育的人文重视与环境营造。本文以动作发育迟缓儿童为实验对象,设计集“KDL幼儿运动课程、亲子运动嘉年华、动作发展成长空间”于一体,且幼儿园、家长、社区三方联动实施的运动干预方案,围绕儿童身心发展特点,合理设计符合儿童动作发育规律的运动游戏,以此探讨运动游戏对儿童动作发育迟缓的改善效果。方法:对1名动作发育迟缓的儿童进行为期两年的纵向跟踪,结合课堂行为表现、运动打卡日志和家长访谈反馈等多种方式,了解其动作发育迟缓的关键症结,以其验证运动游戏缓解儿童发育迟缓的有效性。结论:(1)针对儿童动作发育迟缓的关键症结设计的运动游戏干预能够有效改善儿童动作发育迟缓,促进其粗大肌肉动作和精细肌肉动作协调发展,尤其是移动技能、操控技能和手眼协调能力的改善效果明显,对灵敏、协调和平衡能力的提高也有显著效果。(2)家庭-学校-社区三方联动实施的运动游戏干预,协同“学校专业课程-社区成长空间-家庭亲子互动”,可以实现优势互补,以外力驱动拉近亲子关系,为动作发育迟缓的儿童打造全方位的动作成长环境。(3)遵循儿童身心发展规律的运动游戏干预,能有效契合儿童发展敏感期,助力儿童自我认知与情绪感知的提升。 With the progress of science and technology and the change of our life styles, motor delays in children development caused by insufficient physical activities have been on the rise. The National Fitness Plan(2021-2025)issued by the State Council in 2021 clearly requires that public sports equipment and facilities suitable for children’s motor development and physical exercise should be equipped in public places to strengthen the humanistic attention and environment construction for children’s motor development. In this study of children with motor delays, an exercise intervention program jointly executed by kindergartens, parents and communities is designed, which fuses “KDL children sports classes, parent-child sports carnival, motor development space” into an organic whole. The program includes sports games that meet children’s motor developmental milestones and physical and social-emotional developmental characteristics. The goal of the study is to verify the effectiveness of sports games in alleviating delays in children’s motor development. The following conclusions are drawn:(1)Sports games specially designed to address key causes of delays in children’s motor development can promote the coordinated development of larger muscle use and fine muscle use. In particular, the improvement effects on motor skills, handling skills and hand-eye coordination are obvious. Moreover, children’s agility, coordination and balance ability also have improved substantially.(2)The sports game intervention program jointly implemented by family-school-community and “school professional curriculum, community growth space, family-parent-child interaction” can complement one another, foster closer parent-child relationship, and create a comprehensive growth environment for children with motor delays.(3)A sports game intervention program in line with how children grow physically and develop emotionally and mentally can effectively fit in with the sensitive periods of children’s development and help improve children’s self-cognition and emotional development.
作者 胡宸 唐东阳 汪晓赞 Hu Chen;Tang Dongyang;Wang Xiaozan(School of Physical Education,Wuhan Sprots University,Wuhan 430079,China;不详)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2023年第1期112-115,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 动作发育迟缓 运动游戏 儿童 delays of motor development sports games children
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