
孕中晚期宫内胎儿腰椎椎体骨化中心发育的MRI研究 被引量:1

MRI study of fetal lumbar spine development in the middle and late pregnancy
摘要 目的 利用MRI探讨宫内正常胎儿第一腰椎(L1)椎体骨化中心的动态发育规律。方法 利用MRI对94例23~38孕周宫内胎儿行全脊柱SWI扫描,测量不同孕周胎儿L1椎体骨化中心生长参数(高度、前后径、左右径、正中矢状位面积)并进行统计学分析,获取其动态生长发育曲线。结果 MRI获取的胎儿脊柱参数在不同性别中差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);胎儿脊柱L1椎体骨化中心高度随孕周增长的变化曲线为:y=-0.018+0.528×ln孕周(R^(2)=0.716,P<0.05);前后径随孕周增长的变化曲线为:y=-0.292+0.03×孕周(R^(2)=0.709,P<0.05);左右径随孕周增长的变化曲线为:y=-0.277+0.036×ln孕周(R2=0.780,P<0.05);矢状位面积随孕周增长的变化曲线为:y=-0.461+0.027×孕周(R^(2)=0.817,P<0.05)。结论 孕中晚期胎儿L1椎体骨化中心高度、左右径随孕周增长呈对数增长,前后径及正中矢状位面积随孕周增长呈线性增长,该观察结果对于丰富胎儿脊柱发育影像学资料以及评估发育状况提供了客观影像学指标。 Objective To study the dynamic development of ossification center of normal fetal L1 vertebral body by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Methods This research was a retrospective study. We picked 94 pregnant women(gestation age at 23~38 weeks)who accepted fetal spine MRI scan in Shandong Provincial Hospital. We measured the morphometric parameters of ossification center of L1 vertebral body(height, transverse diameter, sagittal diameter and sagittal cross-sectional area) of these normal fetus according to the susceptibility weighted imaging(SWI)sequence,and regression equation was established. Results No sex differences were found. The height and transverse meter of ossification center of L1 vertebral body increased logarithmically, according to the following models y=-0.018+0.528×ln Age(R^(2)=0.716, P<0.05) and y=-0.277+0.036×ln Age(R^(2)=0.780, P<0.05), the sagittal diameter and sagittal cross-sectional area of ossification center of L1 vertebral body increased linearly, according to the following models y=-0.292+0.03×Age(R^(2)=0.709, P<0.05) and y=-0.461+0.027×Age(R^(2)=0.817, P<0.05). Conclusion With no sex differences, the growth dynamics of ossification center of L1 vertebral body follow logarithmically in height and transverse diameter, linearly in sagittal diameter and sagittal cross-sectional area. The research results provide objective reference parameters for enriching the imaging data of fetal spine development and evaluating the developmental status of fetal spine.
作者 杨涛 程亚旎 赵鹏 张帅 汪玉 杨咏青 马文静 肖连祥 林祥涛 YANG Tao;CHENG Yani;ZHAO Peng;ZHANG Shuai;WANG Yu;YANG Yongqing;MA Wenjing;XIAO Lianxiang;LIN Xiangtao(Shangdong University,Jinan 250012,China;Department of Medical Imaging,Shandong Provincial Hodpital,Jinan 250021,China;Department of Medical Imaging,Shandong Provincial Hodpital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University,Jinan 250021,China;Department of Radiology,Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Shandong Province,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2023年第2期305-308,共4页 Journal of Medical Imaging
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(编号:ZR2021MH216)。
关键词 宫内胎儿 腰椎 生长发育 磁共振成像 Intra uterine fetus Lumbar spine Development Magnetic resonance imaging
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