前言 绿色是生命的象征、大自然的底色,良好生态环境是美好生活的基础、人民共同的期盼。绿色发展是顺应自然、促进人与自然和谐共生的发展,是用最少资源环境代价取得最大经济社会效益的发展,是高质量、可持续的发展,已经成为各国共识。
PrefaceGreen is the color of nature and the symbol of life.A sound ecoenvironment is the basic foundation for a better life,and the common aspiration of the people.Green development is developmentthat follows the laws of nature to promote harmonious coexistencebetween humanity and nature,development that obtains the maximum social and economic benefits at minimum cost in resourcesand environmental impact,and sustainable and high-quality development that protects the eco-environment.It has become the goal ofallcountries.