《环球中医药》杂志是由国家卫生健康委员会主管,中华国际医学交流基金会主办,国内外公开发行的中医药学术期刊。王永炎院士任名誉总编辑,张伯礼院士任总编辑。黄璐琦、仝小林等9名两院院士与210多名国内外著名中医药专家分别担任杂志顾问与编委。其中海外编委来自英国、美国、加拿大、中国香港等10个国家和地区。来自国内外中医教育、医疗、科研单位的200余位优秀中医药学者担任本刊审稿专家。本刊2023年为月刊,大16开188页全彩色印刷。国内统一连续出版物号:CN 1-5652/R;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1674-1749。环球中医药杂志网站www. hqzyy. com。本刊开放存取,可免费在本刊网站下载本刊所有文章PDF版全文。
Global Traditional Chinese Medicine,charged by National Health Commission and operated by China International Medical Foundation,is a traditional Chinese medicine academic journal published both in China and abroad.The editor in chief is Mr.Zhang Boli,member of Chinese Academy of Engineering.Seven members of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Science including Huang Luqi and Tong Xiaolin,along with over 210 Chinese and foreign experts on TCM serve as the consultants,deputy editors and members of the editorial board.Our editorial board is composed of experts from over 10 countries and regions including the UK,the US,Canada and Hongkong China,and we also have over 200 excellent TCM scholars from a large range of schools,hospitals and research institutions globally working as reviewers.
Global Traditional Chinese Medicine