

To Promote Vigorously High-quality Development of the Party’s Ethnic Work in the New Era
摘要 马克思主义民族理论是马克思主义的重要组成部分。中国共产党始终坚持以马克思主义民族理论为指导,紧密结合中国的基本国情和具体问题,不断实现民族理论创新发展,走出一条中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央立足新时代的历史方位统筹谋划和推进民族工作,科学回答了新时代民族工作举什么旗、走什么路等重大问题,形成了习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想,提出铸牢中华民族共同体意识重大原创性论断,实现了马克思主义民族理论中国化新的飞跃,指导党的民族工作取得历史性成就、发生了历史性变革。推进新时代党的民族工作高质量发展,必须坚持守正创新,全面准确领会习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想,牢牢把握铸牢中华民族共同体意识主线,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献应有力量。 Marxist national theory is an important part of Marxism.The Communist Party of China has always adhered to the Marxist national theory as its guidance,and kept innovating and developing the national theory in light of China’s basic national conditions and specific problems,so as to blaze a correct path with Chinese characteristics of solving ethnic problems.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has made overall plans and advanced ethnic work in light of the historical context of the new era,and scientifically answered major questions such as what banner to hold and what road to take in ethnic work in the new era,and formulated General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thought on strengthening and improving ethnic work,put forward a major original judgment on consolidating the consciousness of Chinese national community,made a new leap forward in adapting Marxist ethnic theory to China,and guided the Party’s ethnic work to historic achievements and historic changes.To promote high-quality development of the Party’s ethnic work in the new era,we must adhere to integrity and innovation,fully and accurately grasp General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work,firmly grasp the main line of consolidating the consciousness of Chinese national community,and make due contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 乌云格日勒 Uyungerel(Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010010,China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 北大核心 2023年第1期1-7,F0002,共8页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
关键词 马克思主义民族理论 中国化 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 新时代党的民族工作 Marxist National Theory Sinicization Consolidating the Consciousness of Chinese National Community The Party’s Ethnic Work in the New Era
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