
“逻辑倒置”与“崩溃之境”:马克思的商品拜物教理论重释 被引量:4

Logical Inversion and Corrupting Context:Rethinking Marx's Theory of Commodity Fetishism
摘要 作为马克思主义哲学基础的商品拜物教理论透视出的人被物统治的生存困境,成为当前学界研究的热点之一。卢卡奇、价值形式学派等黑格尔主义者将其解读为社会主体潜藏和趋向一般“物”的精神活动,分析的马克思主义则以功能主义的视角把拜物教当作“虚假理论”。上述的解读方式都是从《资本论》第一章前三节入手解读第四节,从而陷入同一性哲学的陷阱,使人的解放失去可能性。对此,我们采用逆向解读方法,构建第四节的文本逻辑,对比发现,第四节与前三节的文本之间存在“逻辑倒置关系”,这开显了拜物教的有效性和历史性向商品分析回溯的逻辑关系。再回到马克思的创作史,他的真实意图不是描述主体拜物的精神维度,而是呈现资本主义这一社会情景的内在否定性即价值对于对象的非对象化。这就从辩证法的中介层面凸显了商品拜物教的批判性,商品拜物教也成为融合场景论和否定辩证法的“崩溃之境”。这或许能为研究人在现代性中的真实处境提供一种现象学和辩证法相结合的视角。 As the basic theory of Marx's philosophy,the commodity fetishism theory sees through existent dilemma of human beings ruled by things,and has become one of the hot spots in the current academic research.Lukács,the school of values and other Hegelians interpreted it as the spiritual activity of social subjects lurking and tending to general things,while analytical Marxism regarded fetishism as a false theory from a functionalist perspective.The above-mentioned interpretation methods were to interpret the fourth verse from the first three verses of the first chapter of Capital,thus falling into the trap of the philosophy of identity and losing the possibility of human liberation.In this regard,we use the reverse interpretation method to construct the textual logic of the fourth section,and then compare and find that there is a logical inversion relationship between the text of the fourth section and the first three sections,which opens up the validity of fetishism and the historical logical relationship of retrospection to commodity analysis.Returning to Marx's creative history,Marx's real intention is not only to describe the spiritual dimension of the subject's fetish,but to present the inherent negation of the social situation of capitalism:the non-objectification of value to object.This highlights the critical nature of commodity fetishism from the intermediary level of dialectics,and commodity fetishism has also become a collapsed scene that integrates scene theory and negation dialectics.This may provide a combination of phenomenological and dialectical perspectives for the study of man's real situation in modernity.
作者 代利刚 詹梦皎 DAI Li-gang;ZHAN Meng-jiao(School of Marxism,Jiangnan University,Wuxi Jiangsu 214122,China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期52-59,共8页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目“当代国外新黑格尔式马克思主义批判研究”(编号:21BZX031) 江苏省社会科学基金项目“国外马克思主义新辩证法批判研究”(编号:21ZXB002) 江南大学本科教育教学改革研究项目“‘智慧教育’融入高校思想政治课研究”(编号:JG2021076)。
关键词 马克思 商品拜物教 物化 资本论 辩证法 Marx Commodity Fetishism Reification Capital Dialectics
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