
人脸识别技术引发的个人信息保护问题研究 被引量:3

Research on personal information protection caused by face recognition technology
摘要 近年来,人脸识别技术得到了迅速发展和广泛运用,该技术引发的法律问题也开始进入公众视野。人脸信息属于个人信息,而个人信息权益在法律性质上有一定争议,本文主要将其作为一种民事权益来进行探讨。人脸信息具有与其他个人信息不同的三种特性:出现的新兴性、内容的丰富性和泄露后果的严重性。人脸识别技术对自然人的个人信息有着很大的侵害风险。首先,人脸识别技术在人们对其侵害性无意识的情况下被广泛使用;其次,人脸信息的保管中存在信息泄露的高度风险;最后,人脸信息一旦被采集之后可能被长久保存下来。基于此,相关主体有必要对人脸信息在法律层面上进行保护。主要体现在:收集人脸信息要遵循知情同意的原则;收集人脸信息的主体要尽到妥善保管的义务;在使用人脸信息时进行隐匿化处理;法律应当规定和保障删除权和被遗忘权;涉及公共安全时以比例原则作信息采集必要之检验;对人脸信息,在必要的时候通过国家公权力来进行保护。 In recent years, face recognition technology has been rapidly developed and widely used, and the legal problems caused by the technology have also begun to enter the public eye. Face information belongs to personal information, and the rights and interests of personal information in the legal nature of some controversy, this paper mainly takes it as a civil rights and interests to discuss. Face information has three characteristics different from other personal information: the emerging emergence of face information, the richness of the content, and the seriousness of the consequences of leakage. Face recognition technology has a great risk of infringement on natural persons’ personal information. First, face recognition technology is widely used when people are not aware of its aggression. Secondly, there is a high risk of information leakage in the storage of face information. Finally, once the face information is collected, it may be saved for a long time. Based on this, it is necessary for the relevant subjects to protect the face information at the legal level. First, collecting face information should follow the principle of informed consent. Second, the subject of collecting face information should fulfill the obligation of proper custody. Third, conduct the concealment processing when using the face information. Fourth, the law should stipulate and protect the right to delete and be forgotten. Fifth, when public security is involved, the principle of proportion is the necessary test of information collection. Sixth, face information should be protected through state public power when necessary.
作者 沈磊 邢恩铭 SHEN Lei;XING En-ming(School of Law,Peking University,Beijing 100871;Department of Law,School of Public Administration,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan Hubei 430000)
出处 《牡丹江大学学报》 2023年第1期37-41,59,共6页 Journal of Mudanjiang University
关键词 人脸识别技术 人脸信息 个人信息 法律保护 face recognition technology face information personal information legal protection
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