
质疑和批判资本主义制度——生态马克思主义批评的批评策略与文学实践 被引量:1

Querying and Criticizing Capitalist System:The Critical Strategy and Literary Practice of Eco-Marxist Literary Criticism
摘要 生态马克思主义批评是第二阶段生态批评——环境正义生态批评的重要流派,是生态批评的“红色化”,也是马克思主义批评的“绿色化”。生态马克思主义批评的批评策略是质疑和批判资本主义制度,这超越第一阶段生态批评的人类中心主义批判和生态中心主义诉求;也超越第二阶段生态批评流派——生态女性主义批评的人类和男权中心主义批判及男女两性和人与自然平等相处的诉求;还超越后殖民生态批评的人类和欧洲中心主义批判,和第一与第三世界、人与动物、白人与有色人种平等相处的诉求,实现了从伦理到文化批判,再到制度批判的转变。生态马克思主义批评的文学实践包括批判资本主义制度,批判生态帝国主义,批判阶级歧视和物种歧视,重读文学经典,阐释文本的生态马克思主义、生态社会主义、马克思主义生态思想,阐释文本的共产主义意蕴,建构理论等方面。生态马克思主义批评相当程度上解决了人类和生态中心主义争端,弥补了生态批评人文关怀不足、生态女性主义和后殖民生态批评对人类整体利益重视不足的缺陷,可望使生态批评渐趋成熟。其文学实践可为生态文学创作提供思想和艺术启迪,为建设生态文明、构建人与自然和谐共生的生命共同体提供理论资源。 Eco-Marxist literary criticism is an important school of the second phase of ecocriticism(i.e., environmental justice ecocriticism), marking the “reddening” of ecocriticism, and the “greening” of Marxist criticism. Its critical target, querying and criticizing capitalist system, not only transcends the critique of anthropocentrism and aspiration of eco-centrism of the first phase ecocriticism, the double critique of anthropocentrism and androcentrism, and aspiration of the equality between man and woman, and human and nature of the second phase ecocriticism(i.e., ecofeminist criticism);but also transcends the double critique of anthropocentrism and Euro-centrism, and aspiration of the equality between the First and the Third World, between human and animal, and between the white and the colored of the second phase ecocriticism(i.e., postcolonial ecocriticism). Therefore, its critical strategy achieves the turn from ethical and cultural critique to critique of social system. Its literary practice mainly includes the following aspects: criticism of the capitalist system;criticism of ecological imperialism;criticism of classisism and speciesism;reconsideration of classic literary works;interpretation of the eco-Marxist, eco-socialist, and even Marxist thinking embodied in literary works;interpretation of the communist implication of literary works;and construction of eco-Marxist literary theory, etc. Eco-Marxist criticism, to a large degree, settles the dispute between anthropocentrism and eco-centrism, makes up for the shortcomings of lack of human concern of the first phase ecocriticism, and that of lack of solicitude for the whole human race of the second phase schools of ecocriticism, ecofeminist criticism and postcolonial ecocriticism. It may propel the maturity of ecocriticism. And its literary practice provides guidance and reference for creation of eco-literature, and theoretical resources and practical references for construction of ecological civilization and a harmonious community between human and nature.
作者 陈茂林 CHEN Maolin
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2023年第2期118-127,共10页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“西方马克思主义生态批评研究”(17BWW018) 河南省高校哲学社会科学创新团队“英美现代文学研究”(2022-CXTD-04)。
关键词 生态马克思主义批评 资本主义制度 环境正义 生态社会主义 共产主义 eco-Marxist literary criticism capitalist system environmental justice eco-socialism communism
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