

The Theory of Communist Social Distribution in Marx’s Critique of Gotha Programme and Its Contemporary Enlightenment
摘要 在《哥达纲领批判》中,马克思通过对拉萨尔主义“公平分配”理念的批判,系统揭示了共产主义社会分配的前提、对象、原则和实现形式,进一步指认了生产资料由社会占有是共产主义社会分配的根本前提,明确了分配在本质上由生产所决定,提出在社会主义实行按劳分配,在共产主义高级阶段实行按需分配的设想。透过《哥达纲领批判》深入研究马克思的共产主义社会分配理论,启示我们在看待分配的问题上要认识到实现公平的分配制度的渐进性、实现共同富裕的长期性,尊重生产决定分配的社会发展规律,只有不断发展生产力、完善收入分配制度改革、坚持发展成果由人民共享,才能逐步实现我国分配领域的公平。 In the Critique of the Gotha Program,Marx systematically revealed the premise,object,principle and realization form of the distribution of the communist society by criticizing the concept of“fair distribution”of Lasalism,further pointed out that the possession of the means of production by the society is the fundamental premise of the distribution of the communist society,and made it clear that the distribution is essentially determined by production. He put forward the idea of distribution according to work in a socialist society and distribution according to need at the advanced stage of communism. An in-depth study of Marx’s theory of communist social distribution through the Critique of the Gotha Programme reveals that we should recognize the progressive nature of realizing a fair distribution system and the long-term nature of achieving common prosperity when looking at the issue of distribution,and respect the law of social development of distribution determined by production. Only by constantly developing productive forces,perfecting the reform of the income distribution system and insisting that the fruits of development be shared by the people,could we realize the equity in the field of distribution service step by step.
作者 陈海若 Chen Hairuo(School of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai,200433)
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2023年第1期37-43,共7页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“新发展理念引领经济新常态若干问题研究”(17FJL001) 复旦大学马克思主义学院“泮林望菁”研究生创新计划重点项目“中国共产党思想建党的历史考辨与现实启示”(2022FDMYC16)阶段性成果。
关键词 《哥达纲领批判》 共产主义社会分配理论 按劳分配 按需分配 Critique of the Gotha Program Theory of Communist Social Distribution Distribution According to Work Distribution According to Need
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