
历史主动精神的科学内涵、生成逻辑及实践理路 被引量:1

The Scientific Connotation, Generative Logic and Practical Logic of Historical Initiative Spirit
摘要 历史主动精神是中国共产党在百年奋斗中形成的宝贵精神财富,其内涵丰富、逻辑严密,具体体现为尊重规律的科学精神、不负人民的主体精神、恪守底线的自觉精神、勇攀高峰的创造精神。作为中国共产党人特有的历史智慧,历史主动精神植根于马克思主义唯物史观,在中华优秀传统文化滋养下通过中国共产党人的实践探索形成,实现了历史唯物论与历史辩证法辩证统一,历史规律性与历史实践性辩证统一,丰富了马克思主义中国化时代化的创新成果。新时代弘扬历史主动精神,需要我们继续增强历史自觉、坚定历史自信、勇于创新创造、强化责任担当,凝聚起开创未来的勇气和力量,奋力谱写新的历史篇章。 The historical initiative spirit is the precious spiritual wealth formed by the Communist Party of China in the hundred years of struggle,which has rich connotation and strict logic. It is embodied in the scientific spirit of respecting the law, the spirit of living up to the people’s subject,the conscious spirit of abiding by the bottom line,and the creative spirit of daring to climb the peak. As the unique historical wisdom of the Chinese Communists,the spirit of historical initiative is rooted in Marxist historical materialism and formed through the practice and exploration of the Chinese Communists under the nourishment of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It has achieved the dialectical unity of historical materialism and historical dialectics, and the dialectical unity of historical regularity and historical practice, and enriched the innovative achievements of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times. To carry forward the spirit of historical initiative in the new era, we need to continue to strengthen our awareness of history,strengthen confidence in our history,have the courage to create,and strengthen our sense of responsibility,muster the courage and strength to open new chapters for the future, and strive to write a new chapter in history.
作者 廖小丹 Liao Xiaodan(School of Marxism,Southwest University,Chongqing,400715)
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2023年第1期64-72,共9页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
基金 国家社会科学基金高校思政课研究项目“总体国家安全观融入高校思政课教学研究”(20VSZ027) 重庆市博士研究生科研创新项目“中国式现代化道路视域下人民精神生活共同富裕研究”(CYB22147)阶段性成果。
关键词 历史主动精神 科学内涵 生成逻辑 实践理路 Historical Initiative Spirit Scientific Connotation Generative Logic Practical Theory
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