
不锈钢截止阀高压下密封泄漏的原因分析及对策 被引量:2

Cause Analysis and Solutions to Seat Leakage of High Pressure Stainless Steel Globe Valve
摘要 某项目的电动不锈钢截止阀在高压空气工况使用过程中反复发生密封泄漏,对此进行分析计算,查找密封泄漏的原因,并针对性地进行改进。分别从截止阀的密封比压、控压件稳定性的影响因素、影响密封比压的传动链强度校核和材料选用等方面进行分析和阐述,得出不锈钢螺栓在载荷下产生常温蠕变是导致截止阀高压工况下阀座泄漏的原因之一,为同类工况电动截止阀的密封稳定性能提供改善建议。 This paper analyzes the issues of seal leakage in motor operated stainless steel globe valve under high-pressure gas condition, finds out the cause of seal leakage, and makes targeted improvement. This paper analyzes and expounds the sealing specific pressure of the globe valve, the influencing factors of the stability of the pressure control parts, the strength check of the transmission chain affecting the sealing specific pressure and the selection of materials, and comes to the conclusion that the creep of the stainless steel bolt under the pressure loading at the normal atmospheric temperature is one of the reasons for the leakage of the valve seat under the high-pressure working condition of the this valve, and it also provides suggestions for improving the sealing stability of the motor operated globe valve under similar working conditions.
作者 郝文明 郑毅黔 徐晓光 王怀林 HAO Wen-ming;ZHENG Yi-qian;XU Xiao-guang;WANG Huai-Un(FangZheng Valve Group Co.,Ltd.,Wenzhou 325025,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《阀门》 2023年第1期101-105,共5页 VALVE MAGAZINE
关键词 高压 不锈钢截止阀 泄漏 应变松弛 常温蠕变 high-pressure stainless steel globe valve leakage strain relaxation creep at room temperature
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