Objective:This paper explains the characteristic changing-mechanism of peripheral nerve activity potential(PNAP) of Korean Medicine Sasang constitution to provide a basis for the diagnosis and treatment of Korean Medicine constitution.Methods:990 healthy people were identified by Korean Medicine, and CMAP and F waves of median, ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves were detected to analyze the characteristic changes of nerve conduction function between and within Sasang groups.Results:In Taiyin, the right MCV of the median nerve decreased, and the left MCV of the ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves decreased;in Shaoyang, the right MCV of median nerve decreased, and left MCV of ulnar and tibial nerve decreased;in Shaoyin, the left MCV of ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves decreased(P<0.05).Taiyin compared with Shaoyang, amplitude(DA)and MCV of median and tibial nerve, and ulnar nerve DA decreased(P<0.05);Taiyin compared with Shaoyin, median nerve DA,tibial nerve DA and MCV decreased(P<0.05);Shaoyin compared with Shaoyang, median nerve MCV decreased(P<0.05).Ratio(AMP/DUR) of median nerve, Shaoyin>Shaoyang>Taiyin(P<0.05).Conclusion:The left median nerve and the right ulnar and tibial nerve have an advantage in conduction, and the largest difference between the left and the right is in Taiyin.The peripheral nerve conduction parameters of Shaoyang are better than those of Taiyin and Shaoyin, and the median nerve Ratio(AMP/DUR) sensitively reflects physical differences.
Jin Danhua;Jin Chunyu(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yanbian University Medical College,Yanji 133002,China)
Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine